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Everything posted by cocopino
As I recall, running the island demo with ocean and full settings (godrays etc.) on 1024x768, rendering approx 1M polygons required a pretty good graphics card. Think 8800 or better. The converters work pretty well, and many people here have Ultimate Unwrap which is a really nice program. Not just for UV Mapping but also because it converts almost to/from almost ANY format. The vegetation layer has an automatic billboard option. I don't know the exact algorithm behind it, but it can increase performance dramatically when having large tree populated scenes. It also renders 5 or 6 sides of the tree, so you can look at it from different directions.
http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?t=090617 ZBrush just bought the program + programmer Still free though. Probably not for long.
Yes, I believe that was taken out in version 2.27 or 2.28 But in the closed developer area you can download earlier versions, and look at the code used to produce this effect.
Yes, you can disable collisons and shadows on objects or free objects Well, code that isn't used is disabled. Non-running code will hardly slow down your program Yes, with command EntityType Models: gmf format. fbx,obj,dae converters are available, 3ds max has an exporter, Ultimate Unwrap has an exporter Images: DDS Sound: wav+ogg Yep, there's a CreateDecal command and user Ghandi made a nice terrain decal system. Waterplane is infinite but with the correct shaders/textures you can achieve a "watery" material If you buy the engine you can have a look at/copy ocean code from previous versions. The "standard" water is not really convincing as an ocean.
It's probably just a Blitzmax type like Type TENtity Field Position:TVec3 Field Rotation:TVec3 Method SetPosition(x,y,z) Self.Position = vec3(x,y,z) End Method 'etc.etc End Type I doubt you can get any "hidden functionality" with this. What do you want to do?
This page: http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/aStarTutorial.htm has a couple of test programs with source code at the bottom, is that useful?
What I mean is, the "old" ways of coping with objects in your scene (processScene, ini files etc) have been deprecated in favor of LUA. It very much looks like Josh is hoping/trying for us to go the LUA route. Frankly, I do believe that scripting can be a good thing if used correctly. But this editor and lack of solid debugging makes me want to pull my hair out. I've encountered several issues when doing a really small project. Imagine doing a project (like yours?) with a hundreds of objects, when each and every script can make the game collapse without warning where to look. I think I'll create my own processScene, with custom object loading/initialization and just leave LUA be for now.
I've just started with LUA about two weeks ago (trying to code a cable solution inside the editor). I have to say.... I hate it. I can code (modestly) in several languages, as long as I have a decent IDE at my disposal. But: - Saving with Ctrl+S often leaves an "s" somewhere in my code - indentation isn't copied when using newline/enter - I can't use Shift+tab to decrease indentation - Using Ctrl+Z multiple times in a row will delete ALL code; you have to thread really carefully not to lose large chunks of code - Using Ctrl+Z on a freshly opened script will delete ALL code - Any mistake of using a non valid object (which happens all the time because LUA doesn't define variable types) will result in a complete editor crash without warning about line number. - Debugging takes forever having to use Print/Notify every other line - When using Blitzmax/C#/whatever as main language and LUA as scripting language, any mistake like previous will stop all other LUA scripts from being executed. So one mistake in any object script might, for instance, stop my scene from having a skybox or directional light (I've seen this happening) - no intellisense or autocomplete And I might even forget to mention some other issues I've had in just a couple of days time... It very much looks like the LUA way is the only way this engine will go and I know how hard it is to create a reasonable text editor. Is/will there a possibility to use our own/third party IDE and send a message to the editor that a script has been updated?
Something like this? Outside you main loop: CarPreviousPosition = CreatePivot() TotalCounter = 0 Inside your main loop: TotalCounter = TotalCounter + 1 if (TotalCounter % 60 == 0) then -- Calculate distance traveled last 60 frames local dist = EntityDistance(car,CarPreviousPosition) Print("traveling at " .. (dist * 3.6) .. " km/hour") CarPreviousPosition:SetPosition(car.position) end
New version again Michael, we'll get there eventually! (I hope ) It still needs two nodes with incremented numbers, eg: cablenode_3 + cablenode_4 When changing node values, these values will apply to all nodes that haven't been set yet. So you have to set the values only once, but you still have control over all cables. Non-used segments will be removed when changing "Number of Segments" to a lower number. Thickness can be 0.1 now. Cable.zip
I don't think velocity will also take forces into account, but if you get hit from behind by another car (or explosion or whatever) you are traveling faster, from the front you'll travel slower. So... why not just calculate the distance traveled every 10 frames or so (I guess some formula using currentposition, previousposition and appspeed)
Is Gimpy's tv working? http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/82-old-tv/
I played around with those values but never thought to set them THAT high, thanks!
Hi, I'm picking a point on my terrain and put a "goal" pivot there to move my character towards. Here's the pseudo code: SuperStrict Framework leadwerks.engine Import "D:/Program Files/Leadwerks240/BMX/Framework/Framework.bmx" RegisterAbstractPath("D:/Program Files/Leadwerks240") Graphics(800, 600) Global fw:TFramework = CreateFramework() If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine." Local scene:TEntity = LoadScene("abstract::testmap2.sbx") Local cam:TEntity = fw.Main.camera Local controller:TController = createcontroller(1.8, 0.5) controller.SetMass(5.0) controller.SetCollisionType(1) Local mesh:TMesh = createcube(controller) mesh.SetColor(Vec3(1, 0, 0)) controller.SetPosition(Vec3(0, 5, 0)) Local goal:Tentity = CreateCube() goal.SetColor(Vec3(0, 0, 1)) SeedRnd(MilliSecs()) goal.SetPosition(Vec3(Rnd(-50, 50), 4, Rnd(-50, 50))) Repeat If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit If AppTerminate() Exit If (KeyHit(KEY_1)) controller.Point(goal) UpdateController(controller, controller.rotation.y, 5.0) ElseIf (KeyHit(KEY_2)) goal.SetPosition(Vec3(Rnd(-50, 50), 4, Rnd(-50, 50))) EndIf cam.SetPosition(Vec3(controller.position.x + 8, controller.position.y + 20, controller.position.z + 8)) cam.Point(controller) fw.Update() fw.Render() DrawText("Press 1 to go to destination", 5, 20) DrawText("Press 2 to change destination", 5, 35) Flip(0) Forever GCCollect() End First problem: - the controller will take very a long time to "start up", it's building up speed like a car. Second problem: - when changing destination, the controller will also respond like a car, but now if it's on ice. It will continue slipping for several seconds. I'm trying to use the controller like a character would walk, with slipping nor speed buildup. what changes do I need to make? Thanks!
Yes, that's the idea with the x and y position, to create a grid. You can then use this position to create an image (like a stack of chips) there.
- It needs a Shader Model 3.0 graphics card or better, so it's not really good for "casual games". - It has a nice scene editor, but it still could use some tools to make it easier for the developer, like maybe pathfinding tool/visual ragdoll tool etc. - Terrain has a limit of 5 textures I believe the first and second point (at least pathfinding) will be addressed when LE 3.0 comes out, not sure about the third.
I'd use an image to show the table. Then create a class/type to store all information needed for the numbers, eg: Type Tnumber Field x:Int Field y:Int Field Color:String ' green/black/red End Type Local number:TNumber[37] For Local i = 0 To 36 number[i] = New Tnumber If i Mod 2 = 0 Then number[i].Color = "black" Else number[i].Color = "red" Next number[0].Color = "green" You can then do stuff like: SeedRnd(MilliSecs()) Local nr:int = rnd(0,36) Notify "The number is: " + nr Notify "the color is: " + number[nr].Color Notify "the X position on the table: " + number[nr].x Good luck!
I see now I didn't test this very well, sorry. - If I delete two nodes the wire is still present in the editor. Yes, the wires are not freed at first (they are when saving and reloading the scene) - Do I have to set up both nodes in the same way, or is one node enough? There's always two nodes needed to create a line, and they need to have an incremented number, e.g.: cablenode_3 + cablenode_4 will create a line between those two. - I assume if I export a thinner model the value for thickness will make more sense? The thickness is nothing more than a multiplier, I can also make the multiplier go below 1 to make the cable less thick. One thing I didn't test at all is that the values you type in are values for all nodes/cables. This wasn't what I wanted, I'd like to be able to give all cables different values. So still WIP!
How odd; I was wondering the same thing a couple of days ago. Two solutions came to mind: 1 - divide your buildings into separate floors. Make the player select the floor that's visible through the gui. 2 - divide your buildings into separate floors. Always make the entire building visible (with roof), except when it has a selected team member on it. In that case, make all floors above the team member's floor invisible. The second is probably nicer if worked out correctly, but a bit more work.
dae2fbx.exe /? Autodesk ImportExport 2010 modified to a command utility by RStralberg, Rimfrost Software, 2009 Usage: ImportExportCmd sourcefile targetfile outputformat Output formats: 0 = fbx - FBX binary (*.fbx) 1 = fbx - FBX ascii (*.fbx) 2 = fbx - FBX encrypted (*.fbx) 3 = dxf - Autocad DXF (*.dxf) 4 = 3ds - 3D Studio 3DS (*.3ds) 5 = obj - Alias OBJ (*.obj) 6 = dae - Collada DAE (*.dae) fbx2gmf.exe /? fbx2gmf [-s] [-merge] filename.gmf -s silent conversion (optional) -merge merge meshes (optional) filename.gmf input filename (required) obj2gmf.exe doesn't have any options. So it seems that none of these support scaling, which makes them useless to me (I've never used any of the command line converters because of this reason)
Nice to hear it's being useful. It's very easy to call the different *2gmf.exe programs according to filename extension, I didn't because I didn't see use for it. When in need of a converter, almost always I need to scale the object as well. And, when scaling the object I've already opened the model in UUnwrap and need to save it anyway. Should the *2gmf.exe programs get a command line scaling option, I'll surely add this and rewrite the app so it will create and run a batchfile doing all the converting while we ourselves can do something useful.
Ok, another version here, not really polished but it should be workable. The code has become a bit of a mess, a lot of optimization can be done there. But as soon as you stop dragging nodes around, there won't be any impact on FPS (apart from the few polygons that are added to the scene of course) Cable.zip
Well, a scaling option would be really, really nice. When buying an assets pack most objects are at correct scale compared to other objects inside the pack, but not at Leadwerks scale.
Highlights of the engine are the ease of use (very nice API command set), the price, the activity of the community and the quality of rendering. But as Rick said, it's not really complete in the sense that you'll need to program many things yourself. If you have no problem with that, I see no problems with your list.
Nicely done MG. Also, I like the AI trying to flank you (from 0:55). Good stuff!