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Everything posted by cocopino

  1. I built mine in two days. It's not really "full fledged" but does what I want perfectly.
  2. When the gun is positioned correctly, parent it to the camera.
  3. Not to be (very ) annoying, but I paid less for my HD4890, over a year ago now. Did you already have a 9600 and decided to "upgrade" to a second one or was the double 9600 a deliberate choice from the start?
  4. Try to increase the shadowmap size: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Lights#SetShadowmapSize
  5. Using terrain -> Edit -> Import -> PNG ?
  6. Have you tried SaveTerrainHeightmap(terrain,"test.png") ?
  7. But if you would succeed doing that, would the models still be pickable (being a GUI and all)?
  8. I think not, that would be weird. But you can parent them to the camera at a really close distance.
  9. I purposely don't use physics at all in my solution, because Michael stated he didn't need it, and it will most likely mean more calculations for the engine. I'm going to pursue that as well so both physics/non physics solutions will be available. Cool huh Michael?
  10. Thanks ZioRed, that worked! Have you (or anyone else) got it working inside a container, so I can use the Windows Forms Controls at the same time?
  11. You could use Entity::GetParent to get the physics body of the entity.
  12. Is there a tutorial/guide somewhere to set up LE with C#? Visual Studio 2010 is looking fantastic.
  13. This weekend I'll probably have my LUA implementation done; It has a lowest Y value and a lowest segment value so you can make it bend realistically when one of the nodes is higher placed up than the other. Wouldn't mind looking at your code though MasteR.
  14. Hi, After getting pretty fed up with jerking around with material files all the time I decided to write this little program to batch convert images to DDS files and creating accompanying mat files along with them. Just posting it here in case others find it useful too. You can add more shader options by creating extra files in the templates folder. I'm not sure I'm allowed to distribute makedds.exe so I didn't. You'll need to look it up in your LeadwerksSDK/Tools folder. Vista/Windows 7: Placing the program in folder "Program Files" might cause problems if not run as Administrator. I've also included a little program to batch rename filenames, which helps me achieve the mandatory "models_buildings_medieval_house1.gmf" naming convention by using regular expressions. BE VERY CAUTIOUS WITH RENAMER.EXE! Using it on important files (e.g. your system32 folder) might lead to you having to re-install Windows and/or having a less than pleasant day. Automat.zip
  15. Ah, GetVertexTexCoords/SetVertexTexCoords. Thanks Icare + Masterxilo!
  16. You can iterate through the surfaces/vertices to morph your model. But I think you'll need to come up with any physics interaction yourself.
  17. In Blitzmax you use Byte Ptr, something like: SetEntityCallback (mesh, Byte Ptr(myCallBackFunction), ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION ) Function myCallBackFunction( ent:TEntity ) 'do stuff here with ent End Function
  18. Hi Michael, I changed the name of the node mesh so there can be no confusion going on name-wise. Here's how it works: When dragging a node onto your scene, the editor will give it a name like cablenode_3. If there is another cablenode present in the scene, having an index number of 1 digit lower (in this case cablenode_2), the lua script will load a mesh (cables_mesh.gmf) between those two nodes and then scale it. You can use any mesh you like for this, but it has to be exactly 1 Leadwerks unit long in z-direction. The nodes can be made visible/invisible by changing the material to cablenode_diffuse.mat/cablenode_invisible.mat. The thickness of the cables can be changed by changing the property "Thickness". The material of the cables can be changed by changing the property "Material File". Note however that scaling the material may make the texture look bad. I'm hoping for a positive answer on my question about this in another thread to change that. Is this more or less what you're looking for? Cable.zip
  19. Just to frustrate you a little bit further Aggror: To have a really nice dropdown, it also needs a container with a background image and a slider (another image) so you can scroll through items.
  20. Maybe it's a 2.31 phy file? If so, these don't work with 2.32 so you'll need to create a new one using the 2.32 phygen tool.
  21. Hi, I have a model that I need to scale by code in one single direction (Y axis). This will scale the texture as well, making it look badly. Is there a command that allows me to change material/UV scaling programmatically? Thanks!
  22. Since it's a light, you'll probably need update() instead of draw() because draw() will only rotate the light when the light itself is being rendered. This will mean that it's not casting shadows and such when off screen. (I haven't tested this though)
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