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Everything posted by cocopino

  1. You shouldn't use sleep then, because it will stop the app from loading (unless you're multithreading) I think you need to use Apptime() and calculate the amount of time passed.
  2. This one is ok: http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/
  3. Patents are a joke (mostly). Some Australian managed to patent the wheel a couple of years back: http://www.ipmenu.com/archive/AUI_2001100012.pdf Software patents are even worse, like Amazon's one-click patent, as if they "invented" some kind of smart new system. Patents can only be useful when not easily granted by total idiots.
  4. Masterxilo made a nice LUA 3rd person camera: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1778-leadwerks-soldier-animated-entity-game-script-3rd-person-cam/page__p__16202__hl__%2Bmasterxilo+%2Bsoldier__fromsearch__1#entry16202 The code might be useful for you.
  5. U da man Gandi! I changed line 113 to pos=Vec3(pos.x-offset.x,0.005,pos.z-offset.y) to stop the textures from fighting with each other, apart from that, excellent! Thanks!
  6. 1) Some combinations crash, I have that too. But does a simple (example) mesh.vert/mesh.frag/mesh_shadow.vert combination crash also on your computer? 2) It's probably thinking it's some kind of protocol like http because of the abstract:: or zip:: If you want to edit the shader you need to unpak shaders.pak first 3) Yes, I've rarely witnessed a preview that was close to how it looks in-game; lot's of times there's nothing to see in MaterialEditor but looking good in-game. Preview just is not that good really.
  7. cocopino


    "this is what i'm getting with the default emitter... a lil yellow color..." I've seen this too. Do you have DOF enabled?
  8. cocopino


    Yes, for a large decal, especially on very slopey (is this a word?) terrain this would not be ideal for picks...
  9. LUA: Print Blitzmax: Debugprint C++: Not sure, try print
  10. cocopino


    Yes, I understand, but it doesn't matter what the dummy mesh is, so why not make the dummy mesh an invisible box (for instance) and make that box as large as your decal, making sure that some part of the box is always sticking out of the terrain to make it selectable?
  11. cocopino


    "assuming he is creating the decal plane in code, I guess he is just taking the rotation and scale of the dummy mesh that he is selecting and copying those values to the decal plane... " "yes you are right macklebee" Doesn't that mean that you CAN select the dummy mesh? If so, can't you make the dummy mesh a bit bigger to make it selectable? I think the group command is for hiding/showing groups of meshes but not to actually group them together as one mesh (not sure though)
  12. cocopino


    That's what I thought too at first (at least that's the way I would tackle this problem), but then, how is he scaling and rotating the mesh(es) in the video?
  13. Is this your project? http://www.hiddendawn.com/screenshots.html Keep it up man, finish it!
  14. cocopino


    Hi Andy, Your 2nd emitter doesn't show at all on my machine with latest Leadwerks 2.32. Only when I set cyclemode=0 it shows.
  15. cocopino


    "Some Questions: How can i archieve, that when clicking on the decal it selects the decal, just like the road? " That is indeed strange, it looks like you can select it from the righthand-menu, right? What happens when you make the decal "stick out" a little bit more from the terrain, like: TerrainHeight + [value]?
  16. Second that. I think it's crucial when starting something big that you're confident with the version of the engine you choose. There shouldn't be a need of upgrading for the sake of bug fixes because that will lead to go in circles (new version -> new bugs etc.)
  17. Well, it's weird that the engine is copying another normal map when the one mentioned in the material file doesn't exist. It should probably just not use a normal map at all in this case (like it seemed to do in 2.31). On the other hand, the material file was indeed incorrect, it shouldn't point to a non existing file which was my fault. So, not really a problem of the highest priority.
  18. All this talk about 3.0 has made some people nervous, but this sounds really assuring. Good to hear this Josh.
  19. +1 I've asked for this a couple of times also. If the composite view could be exported to a high resolution DDS, this could also be used to have unlimited terrain textures.
  20. You're right, silly of me: the floors+walls had missing DOT3 files. Looks like the engine then just copies a normal map from memory (still a bit weird). Thanks, I can now continue my "Leadwerks Editor becomes death of FPSCreator" project.
  21. I've narrowed it down a bit: This only happens when there's a character in the scene with the mesh_skin_bumpmap shader. Here's the model I used (free model from psionic3D for testing purposes), could someone please try this in their own scene with light? zombie character.zip Thanks!
  22. cocopino


    Wow! Nice work!
  23. Look here: http://www.ffmpeg.org/ It converts almost anything to anything.
  24. Hi, I'm having difficulties with lights in the latest version. To illustrate: Leadwerks 2.31 Leadwerks 2.32 The scene contains 1 ambient light and 1 point light. What's happening in LE 2.32 is that the normal map of the character is being multiplied to the floor and walls. This is on a GeForce 9600M GT with latest drivers. Does anyone else experience these problems?
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