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  1. Great,thanks for reply Carib.,yup not really an issue for me.,just thought i would give it a test and see if anything has changed from 2.31 and maybe help out with any Beta issues. Again thanks for reply, will stick with 2.31 until a stable 2.32 is released. Have a good one.
  2. Hello All., I am currently a 2.31 owner and have been trying to get the 2.32 beta installed here in a different folder (C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK_Beta)as not to wreck havok on my 2.31 install if problems occur. Problem is that it does not want to do a complete install.,it only seems to install 531 files (clean install is checked in updater),and missing Editor.exe,MaterialEditor.exe,Luac.exe,Scripteditor.exe,and several others,(400 or so). So it seems it's not fully downloading all the files into my Beta folder, but popup says updater was successfull. My original 2.31 install went ok with no problems, something like 1000 files.,which is what I am using right now. But i thought I would let you know anyway.,not sure if any others are having problems like this or not.,or if there's something i'm missing here. Anyhoo.,enjoying 2.31. Thanks for a great engine Josh.,Have been learning alot in past couple weeks of using it. Thanks again, Glen (Clutch43).
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