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Everything posted by Einlander

  1. Einlander

    Website Updated

    Personally think you should have the bottom footer as one line, as it is in the forum. Also I think the navigation for the gallery should be centered , and the sort options both on the top right and the bottom right of the list.
  2. Another bonus is you can have a master subscriber. You can record all the raised events with time-stamps and play them back. Now you have a built in recording tool.
  3. Einlander

    Website Updates

    And Game jolt. Game jolt even had an api we could use.
  4. Einlander

    Website Updates

    I'm partial to October cms.
  5. Its alright as long as you never adjust the textures in leadwerks, or scale them or apply multiple texture's to a brush. Then it all falls apart.
  6. The problem with vmf/maps are the uv's are not relative. they are absolute to the texture. so you need the texture to derive the uv's. There is probably some math to convert them without, but i have never seen it done.
  7. I found a convoluted way to get it into a editor with the uv's in place. But you will have to add the textures back yourself. You need 3 things: Crafty : http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=45 Delgine : http://www.delgine.com/index.php?filename=product_deled and a Delgine plugin: Map Importer http://www.delgine.com/plugins/viewPluginCategory.php?catid=39&catdesc=Importers First you make your map in Leadwerks and export it to vmf. Open it in Crafty and export it as Map Import it in Delgine and export it as obj. Import the Obj in your 3d editor. Y is UP and Z is towards you [*]Scale all uv's to .1 [*]Add your textures back in. It will look exactly how it does in Leadwerks. This is a lot of work though.
  8. Let me know how that works. I would love to be able to export buildings from leadwerks.
  9. You can get the material of a specific layer of the terrain, then from what I am seeing, check the current layers alpha. I would assume the lower the alpha the more intense the texture. it can get complicated ... Terrain.h lua commands:
  10. Ever made a level in csg and exported it to obj? Well you probably found out that you end up with one massive mess of polygons. This tool fixes that. It will take a leadwerks exported mesh and fix it to something that is easier to handle. What it does: Separates all the objects into mesh groups. What it doesn't do: Anything with textures or uvmaps. Leadwerks doesn't export any of them It was written in vb.net so it should run in wine if your on linux. leadwerks obj fixer.zip
  11. Is there a reason to not simply convert all strings to wstring to allow utf8 in the fonts that allow them? Or have a global font settings that will take the restrictions off for those who know the risks? Maybe you might gain some customers using logogram based writing systems.
  12. The editor use to be in Meters ( multiples of 10), but Josh changed it to be powers of 2 (256, 512, 1024). I still rather it was in multiples of 10. 256cm has no room for jumping indoors, so I have to make all my interiors 384cm, which is not as pretty in the editor.
  13. Yeah just checked your script, and we do the same things.
  14. Reepblue we seem to have the same idea all the time! I also have a lua based laser beam script for leadwerks. Though I suspect yours will handle materials better than mine can. These are the notes to the script: Notes: If you want your beam to be see through, the material need to be see through. My Recomendation is to set the material to alpha and to set the last diffuse box to 128 Since we are streching a quad (thats what a sprite is in Leadwerks) your material will be unrecognizable Script in spoiler.
  15. I think allowing logic to exist solely in the flowgraph would be a good start. This way they can download tons of logic from the asset store and chain it however they want.
  16. Basically with thunderclap the hope is a rather large number of people join. At a certain time time everyone who joined tweet/post the same message/hashtag. The goal/hope is that enough people join to cause the hashtag/message to trend on twitter/facebook causing it to have exposure to everyone.
  17. Currently to expose settings to the editor users have to use the format: Script.variable = value --Type "Label" I propose a breaking change to the way editor properties function. First the syntax/method would need to change. Script would become a table: Script = {} All entries would be become named variables holding tables: Script = { --variable = {value, "type as string","label as string"} ground_height = {100, "uinteger","Ground Height" }, jump_height = {4,"uinteger", "Jump Height"}, player_name = {"","string", "Player Name"} } What this would mean is the editor would need to actually load the script itself, which brings a few drawbacks. 1. the entire script would need to be able to load without any errors. 2. if the script fails there is a chance that the properties will fail to load. 3. if the script property section is malformed or wrong it will not show up. or just grab it from the debug info (i would assume it's rather hard) A solution for this would be: 1. To hold a copy of the properties in memory/cache and restore them when the properties returns. 2. add a small reset button to reset the value to default. (since the editor will always be remembering the last value). If this is implemented there is an additional benefit: function Script:test1() return {"Good","Neutral","Bad"} end Script = { --variable = {value, "type as string","label as string"} ground_height = {100, "uinteger","Ground Height" }, jump_height = {4,"uinteger", "Jump Height"}, player_name = {"","string", "Player Name"}, dynamic_list = {self:test1() ,"choice","Team"} } You can now dynamically populate lists!! 1 draw back is you would either need to forward declare functions or put the functions above the script declaration. Even if this is not implemented, it could be useful if editor plugins are ever added.
  18. ThStill supported some things may have changed over time though. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms728460(v=vs.85).aspx https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/917607/error-opening-help-in-windows-based-programs-feature-not-included-or-help-not-supported
  19. I don't doubt it. But it still does not mean it isn't broken.
  20. Which part? The analytics part or the CSG part? I'll give you the analytics, I stand by the CSG.
  21. I would mess your analytics up if you treat pro and standard versions differently. I have pro and only use it for lua. Also bugs will definitely skew your results. I completely stopped using csgs, and csg in prefabs because they are 100% untrustworthy. I would actively discourage people from using them if they now how to model.
  22. I've had this issue too. With 3 monitors twitch based gaming can become a pain. This code forcibly puts the mouse back in the windows active area. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10211-trapping-the-mouse-to-the-current-window/ The only issue is, as already mentioned in this thread, that if you move the mouse fast enough you can click outside the window. Leadwerks will as usual keep polling for input. The code is from when Leadwerks use to have an app.lua instead of main.lua.
  23. After this last update on 1-6-17 the drag/rotate/shear arrows do not show up in the perspective view
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