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Ion Zone

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  1. Ok, I will try that. I've just ripped into a copy of a C++ For Dummies book in a review on Amazon, so I hope it isn't as bad as that was! Has put me right of the series, C++ By Dummies is a better description.
  2. That's what I really need, I learn by making things, especially if the tutorial is friendly and takes its time explaining things. Isn't that just for online? That would be nice, but offline mode first!
  3. I am trying, I downloaded something called C++ Primer, but it was useless - its description of what a function was just made me confused! And I know what a function is!
  4. 0k. then, how about just a nice simple one that doesn't assume you know C or BASIC? I've been looking but all I've found are ones that assume you know syntax already.
  5. Coding Fight! Coding Fight! 0k, I've got C++ (I think!). What I want to do is find a nice easy tutorial that takes you through building some sort of mini game like Noughts and Crosses - that'll keep me busy for a while. Has anyone got any sujestions?
  6. It was the beginners version rather than the full thing - I was alternately getting an error and not getting an error when I wrote MessageBox("Message"); in the same exact place - it would often change when I altered the message slightly without any obvious reason or use of possible problem punctuation. It really annoyed me
  7. Ah, I only know a little bit, that's why I wanted to start very small (Also, it would be nice to make some sort of simple little game straight away, which you can with DarkBASIC).
  8. 0k, I'll try that too, but only if it has a proper debugger this time! C++ 6 only tells you that there is a problem, not where it is or how to find it! And half the time the problem is C++ 6 (And this is just me adding a messagebox that pops up when you click on a button!). What does everyone else think about a beginner using C++? I've heard you really need to start with BASIC.
  9. I do have C++, but it is so buggy and unhelpful I might as well not! It is a very old beginners version of C++ VB6, though. I think what most people hate about it is the amount of code you need to make it do anything, which is quite large from what I gather. I will try Lua, if I can get it to work! Though a quick browse through their plug-in installation instructions makes me think it isn't for beginners.
  10. I dunno, that sounds a bit like it would run out of variation fairly quickly.... What is Bliz3D's tree plugin like? Could I add the trees and plants made in it to Leadworks? *Edit* Lua looks a bit crazy, you have to build it yourself!
  11. Is there another coding platform that works and which is as good as DarkBASIC or better? I don't want to have to go learn C++! Also, can your gaming engine support games with 2D graphics (Silly question)?
  12. That sounds fantastic! Two questions though, it doesn't sound like DarkBASIC Pro is supported at all, this is kinda important as C++ is an awful lot harder, and more time-consuming, to program in than DarkBASIC. The second is, does Leadworks have things like grass, plant, and tree generators built in or available as plugins? I really would like to build worlds where the plants look alive, rather than copy-pasted. (I find repeated patterns very distracting)
  13. I'm getting DarkBASIC Pro and I'm trying to decide what to get at the moment, Leadworks seems like a beautiful system, but is it as easy to use as the DarkBASIC plugins seem to be? I want to create a lush game world on a budget and would like to know which way to go.
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