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  1. I knew that there are two topics, about the Mac version of Leadwerks engine, but they seams to be dead!! Did the Mac User have a chance, to get a Mac version in the nearly future?
  2. Hi Josh, thank you for your reply! So what is your advice? You told me, that there was some bugs in the trial and they are fixed until now. I can't wait to get LW engine
  3. Hi all, it's two weeks ago, that I asked about known bugs with LW 3.0 on Mac OS X, before I will buy LW Engine. I have loaded your Mac Trial again today, but still have the same crashes during playing with the editor. Now I have Xcode 5.02 and Mavericks on my Mac and don't know if I have to wait to buy until LW 3.1 is released? How long does it take, the release of LW 3.1 ? Thank you for your reply!
  4. My hardware is fine !!! Other engine trials are working perfect and I'm 3D artist, using C4D without any problems. Maybe it's because the dmg file was only mounted and did'nt installed the app to my aplication folder? I realy don't knew whats happens. Should I mount the dmg and copy all the files manually to a folder on my HD?
  5. I want to write this topic in bug report, but it was not allowed to me! But before I will buy, I have some questions! I've just downloaded the Mac OS trial version, Leadwerks 3 - and run it on my iMac 27", Mac OS X 10.8.5, Intel Core i5, 12 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, ATI Radeon HD 4850-512 MB. I've played around a little with the demo and had a look into the editor. Even when I switch to single view, the programm crahes. When I looked into the materials in the Assets, the programm crashes! Does this happens, because Leadwerks 3 runs as a demo, only mounted from the dmg file, not realy installed? For me it was very frustrating to see such an unstable trial version to test before purchasing it! Regards bs
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