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Everything posted by Letschki

  1. Not boring at all. Great pictures! I wish i had the time to use the new version. But at least i can read about it
  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try the script editor approach. As my current experiences with Leadwerks are quite positive i am optimistic about it
  3. Hello All, i have recently bought Leadwerks 3 and have to say that i think that Leadwerks 3 is an excellent package and i don't regret buying it. To all Leadworks developers: Great Product and keep up the great work! My professional background is 20+ years C++/VB/Java database and system programming (mostly for insurance companies). In my spare time i used Ogre 3D and Torque 3D. To the topic of the post. I have some questions regarding shader development: What are the best practices to learn/develop shaders for the engine? What tools should i use? Where can i find information about writing / using shaders specifically for the use with Leadwerks 3? Where can i get Leadwerks 3 specific information like the available uniforms etc.? Any book recommendations regarding GLSL development? For example: Where can i get information about the naming conventions of the shader files ("diffuse+glow.shader" or the dynamic/lightmapped directories). What are the requirements these different shaders have to meet? I don't need necessarily step-by-step tutorials, but some links to articles, examples or code that helped you to get into Leadwerks shader development would be really helpful. Thanks in advance!
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