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Everything posted by eleXity

  1. Found it here (3.1) : \Leadwerks3.1\Include (3.0) : \Leadwerks3\Engine\Source or in the headers.zip (the same dir)
  2. or/ and make it possible to write plugins for the editor.
  3. Hi, is it possible to get a new version of the bmx headers ? and a small example of creating a window and context ?
  4. is there any download for that, or plans ? would be nice to learn from. keep up the great work!
  5. do you have some useful links for learning lua ... ? would be nice ^^
  6. ok thanks for your tips I will try the lua version of it, but i don´t understand how it works.. lets say I run your lua script with RunScript(), how can I then call the function TItemClass:New() from blitzmax to create the new class, or the OnUpdate() function ? or must I only call it like this : lua_getglobal(VM, "TItemClass:New"); lua_call(VM, 0, 1); Ps.: sorry for the noob questions but I never worked with lua before LE
  7. the function RunScript(sFile:string) exists in BlitzMax, but you only can run files.. no string´s
  8. mhh but this is not what i expect, I not want to do something with the entity-lua scripts, I only want that for the entity´s and nothing more B) the item scripts should be separate... I have another question, is it possible to create a lua class from blitzmax and/or invoke functions from within blitzmax like this : function classname:Bla() ?
  9. Hi, I want to make some item scripts in XML like this <class name="item"> <item> <!-- Function block--> <function name="OnPick"> local itemClass = {} itemClass.light = CreateSpotLight() itemClass.light:Hide() </function> <function name="OnUseSwitch"> if (bItem_Used=true) then itemClass.light:Show() else itemClass.light:Hide() end </function> <function name="OnUpdate"> itemClass.light:SetMatrix(this.tItem_PositionPivot.mat) </function> </item> </class> I load every function block into an ScriptFunction type in blitz max and they all have one new instance of a TLuaState so that I can run it with DoString(), but with the new tLuaState the lugi functions are not registered, how should i do that ? hope you understand my problem PS.: sorry for my bad English B)
  10. Thanks for this idea i will try it
  11. Hi, i want to make something like in this topic, for a RTS game i want to develop. Terrain Grid but have no idea how i do the grid ? hope anyone can help me... thanks
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