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Everything posted by SarperSoher

  1. Can you also paste the 288. line of the mentioned script? The error log does not show which script it is, AnimationManager.lua I guess? And also the code block where you load the prefab please.
  2. Yeah like picking but not projecting into 3D space from screen space, just getting the pixel position of a 3D object. It turned out much simpler than I thought. Camera class has a function called Project which just does it.
  3. Upon further digging I found it http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/cameraproject-r200
  4. I need an entity's screen space position, I guess I have to use the below function but don't know how to convert it using matrices. Would you guys like to help me out here? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/transform/transformpoint-r543
  5. Yes but there are API commands for FOV and Camera range too. But they are in the editor camera settings also. Projection mode should be there too.
  6. Changing the FOV settings of a camera doesn't update it's gizmo in the editor. It's currently not possible to understand the frustum width of a Camera.
  7. Unless I'm missing something there is no option for setting a camera orthographic in the editor. This would be a nice simple way to set the cameras to it for people working on 2D and 2.5D games.
  8. I guess you should contact the Leadwerks support with your invoice number. Same happened to me, fixed in mere minutes.
  9. Download Blender and learn modelling http://www.blender.org/ Download Gimp and learn digital painting http://www.gimp.org/
  10. Is there any IRC channel with global chat with everyone in the room for Leadwerks anyone knows? If not maybe we should setup one. It would benefit people like me with quick questions about doing things in the engine and lua but too simple questions to litter the forum with. And would be faster to get replies.
  11. You need art assets. Textures, models and animations. Sounds and music also if you want. Models must be in FBX file format for that is the only format the engine currently supports. Textures can be any image format except a few. You just drag and drop these files into the leadwerks engine and it will automatically import them. Then you can create materials from the textures to assign them to brushes or models. Models can be dragged and dropped into the scene as soon as you import them.
  12. I don't know about brush limits or an entity cap but looking at the map root object, the biggest world you can go for now is 4096 units / meters.
  13. I'm also having some shadow bias issues. The selected shadow quality in the editor does not reflect in the built version. Is there anything in the API that let's us tweak shadow quality settings?
  14. It is not a suggestion because no one would prefer to move only one object while multiple objects are selected and dragged. It's not a feature, it's a bug or a broken implementation.
  15. Very strangly it works upon pressing down Shift + Ctrl + Arrow keys, guessing this is a bug then?
  16. In all the text editors and IDEs CTRL + an arrow key moves the caret to the previous or next word. This is a huge time saver. ALT + up or down arrow key moves the caret to the next or previous declaration/definition. As a programmer I rarely use mouse while working on my code. It is much faster and more logical IMO. It's a bit disappointing that engine's script editor does not have these features. I think they should be the next addition to the script editor. (Maybe a dark theme after that, my eyes are bleeding )
  17. I can't move multiple selected objects under another object. Only a single object moves. Moving every brush I created for a full level under a pivot for organizing the hierarchy one by one takes a lot of effort and not practical.
  18. Softimage is owned by Autodesk, a company which owns the FBX file format. It can import and export FBX files. http://softimage.wiki.softimage.com/xsidocs/import_export_xwalk4xsi_ImportingandExportingFBXFiles.htm
  19. Standing in the corner looking outside to the empty space near a wall confirms that it's not a GPU bottleneck. Either that or there is no culling, not even frustum culling which is unlikely.
  20. So it's more like a CPU bottleneck and we shouldn't worry much on the GPU side then?
  21. It bothers me to not to be able to re-select a mistakenly un-selected object with undo. I think changes on the selection should be added to the undo queue so a CTRL+Z would re-select my unselected selection
  22. I also have concerns regarding #2 I'm getting a varying but low frames per second (10-40) on the integrated FPS demo level on the highest quality settings with no AA on an AMD HD5770 gpu. I wonder what will happen if it was a production long level and there were more particles, physics and post process effects. Loading times of the scene when the game runs is rather long too.
  23. I have pre-ordered Leadwerks 3.1 but haven't received my Steam key, what should I do now?
  24. Can't wait to get my key, congrats Leadwerks!
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