1. I have been working with making my own little LandscapeEditor. But I had some problem to find information about SetVertexNormal(TSurface,0,Vec3) (I have been looking at the wiki). So Basicly the question is if anyone can explain how it works?
2. I thought about to make it possible to load a heightmap to my editor but then I thought there might be a missing function for me to get it work. Is there a function to get the color of a pixel on screen something like this: int:GetColorRed(int x, int y); int:GetColorGreen(int x, int y); int:GetColorBlue(int x, int y);. I know there is on Blitz Max but what about for the Engine?
3. Is it possible to paint a part of a mesh? Like I want to paint vertex 0-3 with grass and then 4-7 with brick.