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  1. Same problem here, with or without firewall.
  2. I`m against this, i like surprises
  3. Cool, Thank You. I will send him a mail too.
  4. True, maybe Josh has good connections to Mr. Bolthouse
  5. Yes. but would be nice to have.
  6. Got it now. have always thought that this is an old one. Thank You.
  7. Doesn`t work for me too, clicking only on the download menu doesn`t help.
  8. Saving as multiple meshes would be good. I have a house model with a door in it and would like to run a script to the door (for opening and closing). There are two groups in UUnwrap, but it always saves as one mesh to gmf.
  9. Thank You, works great. Is it possible to restrict the camera that it is not going thru the ground like in my picture? Then it would be like in the Gothic games or in Risen. That would be great.
  10. This is something i have tried long time ago without great succes. Thank you so much. [Edit]: Where can i get this Include from: "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" ? Thank`s [Edit]: Aah, found it, sorry.
  11. I voted for PureBasic, that`s what i normaly use for programing. But there is no wrapper for LE, i think?
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