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  1. Thank you. I saw these videos already, I did some research before asking. But I'm looking more for demo or even payable game for testing. I'm looking for real things. Pretty world I can make even it hammer or unity, but it's not what I want. btw, in Dead Statue best ragdoll I saw in games I think. It looks very promising, so I want to test it more. And I saw a lot of ragdolls. Sorry my English and is so late here. Or early
  2. Hello every body. I'm looking for 3d engine like this and I'm very impressed after checking of some screenshots, discussions. I have a lot of questions about this engine and documentation - I read or just looked on this published, but for now I have only one question: Is somewhere already done game in this engine? Or real tech demo that I can run on my PC? I checked store/games section, but this is not enough or even discouraging a little. Any help very appreciated, thank's!
  3. As I remember, this forum engine is enough flexible to disable some functions with possibility of avatar change still. I think jpg's and png can't carry links still. And here some anti spam additional modules for ip.board, also some tricks, like a spam catchin'g fake topics with description for real users.
  4. Hi. I agree with 33K of triangles on map, but here goes my question. I created some custom map for Insurgency in hammer and I hit max triangles number in view (not map, but in view, displayed in game). It was source engine bsp limit, I not remember number. Is here same limit in leaderwerks? I just started, looks friendly and promsing for me.
  5. Hello, I'm new here, but not new in gaming. Hacked friendly single player games? I think it's bad idea. It's bad for gameplay nor immersion. For me, games where you can even put cheat codes are boring after very short time. It happpens, where gameplay is just too hard or bad balanced and you need some help with code. I never finished single player game on cheats - what's the point? Good designed game not need cheats and in multi this is out of discussion.
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