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  1. Blender Cookie - It is an awesome website for Blender newbies Allot of content is free but some content requires a subscription. Very much worth it though. Blender Guru - Same a Blender cookie awesome website will teach you allot. Focuses on more advanced stuff though. Hope that I helped
  2. So I just saw a facebook post from Josh that says - "Our Lua debugger, built on the cross-platform ENet networking library, worked perfectly on Linux the first time it was tried." Are we getting Multiplayer/Network support for Leadwerks? or is this just for the LUA debugger? Networking support would be awesome!
  3. I found this a few days ago Lots of awesome resources in there.
  4. @YouGroove - Run MalwareBytes and your prefered Anti Virus Program. See if you come up with anything EDIT: I had the same problem a while back but it was in italian.
  5. You could build a decent desktop pc that does not take up a whole lot of room for about 400.00 USD. You would not be using the latest and greatest tech but you would be able to run leadwerks. I can spec out a pc for you if needs be.
  6. I would personally have it taken off the list - Just because well it is looked down upon when people rip models from other games. Most models that are ripped from a game typically have triangles opposed to quads. They would be good for practicing retopo work on but other that nothing more. Quads are allot easier to work with opposed to a bunch of tiny triangles.
  7. Do not use TF3DM most models on the site are ripped from other games using them in your games will result in a lawsuit from a major publisher (Ubisoft, EA, Etc.). I would also highly recommend taking off this list.
  8. +1 for Physically Based Rendering - Not only would it be awesome but like juniez said it would cut down on guess work for materials. I am just waiting for native Linux support. Is that a maybe for PBR in leadwerks? Will Pay for PBR
  9. Hey drumwrist0123, If you need to create a high quality world - world machine is the way to go. I am planning on getting it myself so yeah. Here are some videos for working with world machine and CryEngine. They can apply to any other game engine including leadwerks. This tutorial uses Maya, Mudbox, and World machine However feel free to improvise Totally forgot about L3DT - That is an awesome tool as well forget the price tag though. I know that it has a free version for up to 2048x2048
  10. Personally I would love a node based Shader system. Third party or Integrated into Leadwerks much like Unreal engines Implementation. I say this because I know nothing about shaders however I know how to make shaders with a node based system. Kind of backwards yes...
  11. Hey MJuliano - I am also a follower of your work. Rouge System is awesome and should have been funded on Kickstarter. Very Sad that is was not funded. Anyway - I wish you the best of luck on Rouge System. It looks awesome If you need any help just give us a shout at. Is there anyway I can throw money at you for Rouge System? Thank you for the link to mental mill BTW. I missed that bit in my fit of excitement. Welcome to leadwerks you will like it here
  12. I am not sure what version of OpenGL leadwerks uses, Your Onboad Video Chipset should support OpenGL 4.2. I would reference this with the System requirements on steam. Just double Checked the system requirements. It should work.
  13. I have a few requests for tutorials - How to map Input/Actions to a controller, keyboard, or joystick. Creating a load / save game system for our games. How to Implement Split Screen Cooperative or versus Play on a single machine for up to 4 players. I can go on and on but I will leave these here for now
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