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    Tempe, AZ

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  1. You put your decimal in the wrong place -- that'd be 16,777.216 km².
  2. Ah, had thought it was out to everybody else. That's cool then.
  3. I still haven't received my Steam key from my pre-order. Is something going on with this?
  4. While I can't comment on an "official" GUI system, they aren't really that hard to develop. If you're interested, I'm working on a stack-based GUI system that will utilize XML and Lua, which you will be free to use once it's up and ready.
  5. Finally able to look at how it's handled in practice (looking at the sample project), I can see how true that is. While I would still prefer to write my core game logic in C++, the state of the Lua engine does seem to be similar enough that it will make little difference (after all, I don't plan to do anything performance-critical until I have the full 3.1 build) in the short-term once the sixth rolls around. Still, it is nice to have something around to work with until that point - 3.1 pre-orders seem to have no opportunity to access anything at all before that point.
  6. Thank you, bandrewk! That it's exactly what I was looking for, but all I seemed to find was stiff for LE2.3. Assuming 3.1 is out within the month, this will be more than enough until the release.
  7. I didn't mean to refer to it as a dumbed-down system in that way, and I apologize that it came across as such. My primary interest in the engine, however, lies in the use of C++ in the development of much of my game logic - so for my desires from the engine, it is dumbed-down in the sense that a feature I desire is missing. I understand the power of Lua, and I'm happy that the Lua scripting support in Leadwerks is as extensive as it is - but that is not what I was looking for. In all honestly, knowing that I would have to wait past the sixth would not have changed my decision to purchase the engine - I just feel that it would be nice to have access to Leadwerks 3.0 to better familiarize myself with the engine while I await the version I pre-ordered.
  8. I recently pre-ordered Leadwerks 3.1 in anticipation for the release on Jan 6, but hadn't realized that it was only the dumbed-down Steam version that was coming on that date. Is there a way that I can get access, having pre-ordered Leadwerks 3.1, to Leadwerks 3.0 until the release of 3.1?
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