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Posts posted by Jordan

  1. I really think it should have been an add-on that could have been incorporated into the Leadwerks editor. I'd really like to use this for my project, and I think it would really suite it. However as it stands, I don't even feel like the added graphical quality is worth the extra time and effort of even using their tools, let alone paying $350 for it.


    It just feels like minimum effort was put into this, and they've gone down the route of changing things just enough so it becomes possible to use it with Leadwerks, but not actually worried about it being easy and convenient to do so.

  2. I totally agree, I wasn't trying to defend how it's been promoted. I'm also unsure as to why the engine price has gone up by $50 in time with the release of 2.4. It seems new customers are now paying $50 for the pleasure of being able to spend an additional $500 on third party lighting product.

    • Upvote 1
  3. The announcement made earlier:

    Leadwerks 2.4 Engine Will Be out soon, and Will include a brand new feature lighting That Has Never Been Done Before, by any engine "


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but was he not talking about the real time coloured shadows? I remember a year or so ago when this was requested, and at the time it was talked about like it couldn't be done.

  4. We could set up a mailing lists where every time something is posted in the news blog, an email with that information could be sent out.


    People only need to click "Track this Blog (Receive email notification of new entries)" on the blog page and they will receive an email every time a blog posts is made containing the entire post in addition to a link.

  5. For those who don't live near human activity anyway :(


    I don't even live near any cities or large towns and the amount of stars that can be seen is pretty abysmal considering how many should be visable.

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