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  1. Has anyone purchase from thegamecreators.com and have their account updated here? will be looking at other competitive engines soon. i been waiting to start my project for a while now. thank you if you read this.
  2. i purchase the engine a while ago when leadwerks started and the transition that your new website evoled which ended for me > accounts only went as far as a manual email of the software download. i got a a fair use if the software untill i change computer and found my key was not working for a possible outdated updater. i have sent a email to support a few days ago (if not a week). I am very keen to get back into Leadwerks as i have a horror theme i'm eger to build with the leadwerks 3 framework. I i don't know if i need to upgrade once le3 is out but i am keen to do so. this would require me account to have my prevous purchase entered so the system knows that i have paid and ellegible for an upgrade. look forward to solving my access issue. thank you Mark.H P.S please refer to my email for details and sorry if this is a improper location for my post. i did not find a support section.
  3. can't wait till i can play with the editor. just got wait for my reg key to be acepted. hopefully i get change to a developer here too. wait for a reply i guess
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