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  1. Hey everyone, It's my fault that I haven't dug in yet, I'm just getting some time to shoot into the LE engine. Just wondering, I got the Indie version on Steam and of course the Standard edition from here. Why is it that Steam offers me to buy the Standard edition when I already own it? Bear with me guys, I'm just a noob starting to look into the engine! Also I did search for "Standard edition on steam" on here and came up empty! hence this post and my Q. Thanks! Kind Regards, RogueBot
  2. Thanks Aggror! Exactly what I was looking for! and Yeah, I just find it a more comfortable position to keep your left hand in and well those bindings work for me!
  3. Hey all, I'm not having any luck searching for these questions so I'd thought I ask the forum instead. For the FPS Controller, is there a way (sample somewhere perhaps) to let the user define key bindings and to reverse the Y axis of the mouse? I'm one of those people that cannot look up/down without reversing the Y axis! And I also frequently remap wasd to asdf (a=strafe right, s=strafe left, d=down, f=up) hehe
  4. Awesome, thanks for that Rick! I knew it just had to be in there somewhere! Thanks Aggror. (btw you guys tutorials are great to follow for a newbie like myself!)
  5. Hey guys, I've been looking at and trying to follow some of the great tutorials you guys have made (I'm using the 3.1 Indie edition) and I have a couple of (really!) basic questions. E.g. in the excellent "Introduction to Lua tutorial by Aggror there were a couple of lines of code that didn't work as was done in the tutorial code. "Script.mood = "Happy, Angry, Sad" --choice" and "Script.monster = "Vampire, Zombie, Ghost" --choiceedit" Did not produce the expected result in the editor. They created the --choice and --choiceedit fields on the script properties tab, but with no selectable values. By looking at some other scripts I was able to find the proper (for 3.1 Indie version at least) syntax to be: Script.mood = --choice "Mood" "Happy, Angry, Sad" and Script.monster = Vampire --choiceedit "Monster" "Vampire, Zombie, Ghost" Anyway, my question is as follows. I've tried to find any documentation for these "--choice" and "--choiceedit" (and any other available) type of directives. I'm sure it's there somewhere, I just haven't been able to find it. So can anyone point me in the right direction to look for this documentation please? Thanks!
  6. Wow just wow, you guys are awesome! *Kicking dirt waiting for the engine to be released*
  7. Thanks for the Welcome guys! I'm honestly all excited waiting for the release of the engine so I can use it! Can't wait!
  8. Just wanted to say Hi and that I've been reading these forums for a couple of days and while not super active/crowded it looks to be really friendly and helpful. Very nice community with a lot of game dev talent! I saw the Leadwerks engine on Steam which got my attention right away and it seemed like such a perfect fit for a long time wannabe indie game dev like myself so I couldn't help but come to this site and preorder the standard 3.1 version! hehe Now I can hardly wait to get my hands on the engine for some creative fun, which some day might lead to an actual game that can be played! Anyway, this might be posted in the wrong forum, if so please move it to the appropriate place (I couldn't find an intro forum or the likes where to post). Looking forward to asking a lot of questions and eventually sharing some knowledge with you all!
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