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  1. Correctly stated. You're right not to make assumptions, I did indeed read the description. But I like to research what I purchase, thus when I happened upon reviews of Leadwerks, there was no alternative version. The website clarified that there was indeed only the one retail version, as the Steam side hadn't been put up. As it is only half the full version, there should be some clarification stating this. Somewhere.
  2. No, but that's my point. Unity is a better example I suppose, but for my intents and purposes, CryEngine or UDK would have sufficed. @Rick, no hate towards this awesome piece of software. But I still fail to see where it says C++ is not included. At the time, there was no dedicated Steam section. And as such, the Steam Community Page is in Thai, but holds no information in this regard either. I love the software, but fear it's not well optimized, my PC reports extremely low framerates, is there a Settings tuner? I'm using the 4770MQ and the 750m dedicated, which is not high end, but it should be sufficient to run box models on a 512x512 map
  3. I feel I have been mislead into purchasing this product via Steam, I'm sort of upset. I thought I was purchasing a full featured game engine, I should stick with CryEngine. Possible refund?
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