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  1. Ah ok, also as an added note, when I was talking about W, I meant it just acts normally (move forward) and is just used to gain the starting momentum, jumping is still done with space (hold for autohop) or mousewheel scroll (manual hop)
  2. Wow that looks nice, but is there any setting for Air Acceleration to get a proper weaving movement? I see in your video that turning mid air requires sharp turns
  3. I want to have Bunnyhopping in my game, but I have no idea where to start doing this character controller If you don't know what Bunnyhopping is, it basically involves the player jumping instead of running to move around, and using the A and D keys (moving their mouse left and right with each press, A = mouse swipe left, D = mouse swipe right) This is called strafing or 'weaving' sometimes The w (forward) key is never pressed except to start the bunnyhopping Here's a video of this mechanic demonstrated in Counter Strike Source Bunnyhopping has actually been a part of many games including Quake and Half Life Could anyone take some time and explain/help? Thanks
  4. er could you put that into perspective? and is that square meters?
  5. I wasn't quite sure where to put this, as there wasn't a support section, so forgive me if this is the wrong place. Does Leadwerks have a limit on how large your maps/scenes can be? I know Source SDK's Hammer editor has a brushlimit cap. Does Leadwerks have something similar? Thanks
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