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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. mhmm ok I hoped there is a easy way but in this case I have to do it like this I guess. thx rick. here is the video should be public now: http://youtu.be/kybGY9Vcy5g
  2. mhmmm no way to setInput just to a camera? Im using 3rdPersonView
  3. if you start from scratch use blender. its probably not the easiest one but its free and when you have to start from scratch it doesnt matter. there is also Silo2 and 3D Coat.
  4. -- MOVEMENT local move = ((App.window:KeyDown(Key.W) and 1 or 0) - (App.window:KeyDown(Key.S) and 1 or 0))*4 local strafe = ((App.window:KeyDown(Key.D)and 1 or 0) - (App.window:KeyDown(Key.A) and 1 or 0))*4 self.entity:SetInput(0,move,strafe) -- CAMERA --self.camera:SetInput(0,move,strafe) //will not work i used the code from the docu to create a basic movement script using WASD. SetInput() is available for every Entity that is using the CharacterController. My Problem is that my Camera should move like the character but SetInput will not work for my camera. Any clue how to do this? Using self.camera:Translate() and self.camera.Move() will work but its hard to calculate camera speed from character movement, so my camera is to fast and it will run out. its easier to use my outcommented code line. If I use Character Controller for my camera the game is going crazy. I use 3rd person view
  5. its not hard theory but this is just small math and easy to implement. easiest solution to to this would be to set the camera range to d if you use first person view. you also can use distance fog. its up to you what you need for you game and how its the best way to implement it. I cant know it.
  6. see here: http://amd-dev.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wordpress/media/2012/10/Tessellation_in_a_Low_Poly_World.pdf
  7. just draw what you see if you want it real d= distance to horizont r= radius from planet h= eyeheight 6400KM= earthradius
  8. I dont know why but I can read some wrong information here in this thread. LOD is used to switch between different detail states from a model. eg. in a CutScene you want more details like 50k polys. In the game you want a low poly version so you draw the low poly model with e.g. 10k polys instead of the highpoly. Problem here is that you have to load all models in your memory. If you have 50 models with 3 different LODs you have to load 150 models. LOD is not the best solution for devices with limited memory. Also when you observer the models you can see the switches. Tesselation is something completely different. It has nothing to do with the models itsself. you can tesselate every face. You have no memory overload like with 150 LOD models. Next killer feature is that you can scale your faces how you like it. if you like to tesselate a higher detailed version just edit code. Would you do this with LOD you have to create a new Model -> so tesselation increases the development process. tesselation means that you can increase the amount of triangles how you would like. When you say tesselation produces too much polys you have used it wrong or dont understand why it is used.
  9. you can do this with a edited shadow shader i guess.
  10. if vsync_enabled then Context:Sync(true) else Context:Sync(false) end void function setVsync(bool value){ vsync_enabled = value } should work this way?
  11. Not only Performance. There are cpp only functions like threads you cant use with lua
  12. Use search function... Same questions all the time
  13. you are right guys but I prefer to seperate this from game logic. its also easier to handle LOD in threads if you do it generic instead of using a function in the mainloop that blocks the gameflow
  14. Dont think about LOD without threads.
  15. Current Documentation is not up to date? Cant find Camera:PostProcessing or whatever. Also I cant see how to create terrains from code side.
  16. Rick I know what you mean but for the real deal everyone have to go the annoying, frustrating and painfull path of the hello World by yourself. Game Development require higher coding skills (Not only how to Code and know the coding language) , Code design, design patterns memory Management and so on. If someone want to Code a game and start here from scratch it is the holy truth that you have to read code. A lot. And when you have read a lot Code you do it again and read some coding books and then you goto 1
  17. Im working on a 3rd person game and dont have this FPS Drops even with 40+ models (from fuse 14k polys) + textures and lights/shadows. Also with AAA characters/animations no problem. I have no highend pc and a mobile GPU (iMac) and everything is fine. If you have hard FPS drops optimize code and analyse in realtime
  18. Lightmapping is overrated and outdated IMO. i like that Josh is consequent at this point
  19. exactly the same ive done with my models
  20. I dont know why someone should use free resources for commercial use. this is just wrong. IMO free resources are a good startpoint to have something to work with and learn.
  21. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files?showbanner=0
  22. about facerig. a user asked for gamedev support (in this case unity) http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/204794235/630800443206250898/#c630800443356235170 that would be nice. yes also 3dmax and so on. But I have no clue about maya or 3d max I used it some years ago in a 3d lesson at university but not much. Blender is just confusing for me but it is a powerfull and free solution. In the next few days I try to animate a face with blender and see how it works. its important for me that it is fast and scalable to create animations for face and models. Maybe I´m wrong but Blender only supports face capturing with trackpoints? I watched some videos on youtube and ok its not that hard to create it with blender but it is time consuming. The other thing is mixamo face plus. The only thing where I dont have "free" solution is how to animate 3D Models (not with own hands) like iPi Mocap Studio. The Facerig stuff is also interesting but I dont think its made for devs.
  23. its a fact that I need something to animate my models. Face rigging is also a pretty nice feature and I´m really interested into it because it is some advanced. If I could use this technology (even for education) would give me some nice experience. and no I dont need it. I WANT IT
  24. puh studio version 200$ (for facerig) and I dont know how it works with my own models. ipi is nice but for really good animations you need more than 1 camera -> expansive software (but I think about it to buy it for months, I will try the demo soon and can give a leadwerks tutorial) but ipi mocap studio cant be used to animate facial emotions I guess?
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