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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. that looks pretty nice! But I have no clue if I can export my animations.
  2. Hey guys I think about to get Full Access at mixamo.com (student license). Anyone else also tried it and can give a review about mixamo? Im really interested into Face Plus animations.
  3. wow guys animation tutorials would be awesome! I will upload a rigged FUSE character soon for testing
  4. nice example. I implemented this way for prototyping. you can also use IncAngle() if you dont like that the player follows the mouse that fast. so it take some msec to turn 180° self.camera:Pick(App.window:GetMousePosition().x, App.window:GetMousePosition().y, self.mouseInfo, 0.0, true) --angle to mouse/joystick if self.mouseInfo.position.z - self.playerPosition.z >= 0 then self.mouseAngle = Math:ATan((self.mouseInfo.position.x - self.playerPosition.x)/(self.mouseInfo.position.z - self.playerPosition.z)) end if self.mouseInfo.position.z - self.playerPosition.z < 0 then self.mouseAngle = Math:ATan((self.mouseInfo.position.x - self.playerPosition.x)/(self.mouseInfo.position.z - self.playerPosition.z))+180 end self.playerAngle = Math:IncAngle(self.mouseAngle, self.playerAngle, 20.0) self.entity:SetRotation(0,self.playerAngle,0) --later use SetInput
  5. I will post my solution later when I´m home to show you how I did it (I also had some trouble with the angle function but it works for me now)
  6. I did something similar for a 3rd person game. dont have the code here now but it works fine: 1.get 3D point from player (Point A) 2. get window 2D position from mouse 3. Pick with 2D position from mouse 4. pickinfo.position (Point B ) 5. now you can easily calculate the angle between A and B with dont sure but it was arctan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1)) (there is also a cosinus way but i dont know them right now) i guess to get the angle you also can do it with arctan2 but I believe atan2 gives you radians not degrees 6. I used http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/math/mathcurveangle-r603 to get a smooth moving between different angles (turning 180 degrees would be superfast and I want a small "lag" to turn)
  7. but the problem only exists when I have my camera at position B. Is this a bug or I doing something wrong, its just a simple scene with no fancy stuff and I´m not even able to do such anything? you also noticed the strange camera behavior when you click the camera in the editor (in perspective view) and move around with WASD. the "view" (blue lines) moving strange.
  8. mhmm I imported your model, resized it and added the orange grid in the model editor. (the UV maps are pretty ****ty btw. the lighting is strange wrong even without no material) but the material is not drawn. its just a small touch in orange. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gpsormdfarrquot/Screenshot%202014-02-05%2000.18.43.png
  9. is the transition between this two states more like a "fade in/out"(smooth) or is it like a toggle (hard)?
  10. I create some kind of 3D menu for my game and started with a prototype to test if it works. I created a background and some buttons and added some models + a animated character. if my cam is in front of the buttons (orange cuboids) shadows are ok but still ugly (MSAA 8x @ 1600x900) how can I increase the quality of the shadows? cam: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nfv04j1sq8utlqx/Screenshot%202014-02-04%2023.46.59.png output: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vdrn8v8q9cjy12b/Screenshot%202014-02-04%2023.46.40.png if I pull the camera a little bit to the right it looks like this and drops strange shadows cam: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2uz9o8zwluo4ixw/Screenshot%202014-02-04%2023.47.48.png output: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jxx82pn9bfxdu2c/Screenshot%202014-02-04%2023.47.28.png first I thought it is because my lightning source but I changed the position from my light, nothing changed I also noticed that the camera behavior is a little bit strange when you select a camera in the perspective window and use WASD to move the camera from the editor itsself. it looks like the blue camera lines have a wrong behavior.
  11. ahhh thx beo! dont have seen that
  12. until now a Sound only have 3 Functions() (Load, Play, GetLength) is it possible to add some effects like fade in, fade out or some functions to create own effects e.g. pass filter etc. I cant even handle the volume. the sound stuff is a little bit static when the engine only can play a sound and ask its length.
  13. how many xp do you have in developing games/software or creating 3d models? if your answer is zero better start with something simple. or your game is finished when you are over 9000 to answer your question: www.tf3dm.com and if you would be using the search form you would find more.. but for a game that is unique you have to create your own stuff or buy models
  14. dont explain your error msg. post your error msg, or do a screenshot where do you export it? leadwerks? version? or blender? if you want help post your complete problem. with those information its hard to help you
  15. I´m also wondering about the childs in the model editor. there is a tree structure but I cant delete a child (or do something other useful with it)
  16. you can use .fbx files or convert .obj to .fbx. if you can convert a file to an .fbx every file is possible
  17. thx for reply rastar. if someone is interested i found this usefull sheet http://www.opengl.org/registry/doc/GLSLangSpec.4.40.diff.pdf is the leadwerks shader editor a full glsl editor or are there some restrictions?
  18. you dont need 2 boxes. 1 box should be enough. the groundcollision and newton do the calculation for you
  19. I´m trying to get some experiences with shaders but I´m stuck because every example I find is outdated (because of openGL 4.0 is only supported) I also find no entry in the documentation for the shader editor so someone could explain what Control Evaluation means in the editor? Vertex, geometry and fragment are my shadertypes ok but what is control and evaluation? where is tesselation shader? I copy/pasted the example from wikipedia. the example should draw a silhouette my vertexshader void main(void) { gl_FrontColor = gl_Color; gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex; } my fragmentshader void main(void) { gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } my error: error(#272) Implicit version number 110 not supported by GL3 forward compatible context error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated error(#272) Implicit version number 110 not supported by GL3 forward compatible context error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated btw: where can I see which functions are supported like "normalize()" ? where can I find a docu about that stuff? I cant see anything on this page or a link to get some info about that and I cant believe that I´m the only one who is interested in shaders
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