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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. can you post your code? when you use a character controller you have to use SetInput() and not SetPosition(), Move() or Translate()
  2. http://www.thegamecreators.com/?m=view_product&id=2100 I guess but not sure
  3. 3d coat is nice. but those tools are so big and hard to handle (tried the demo and was impressed by the workflow with a voxelengine). I want to calculate a low poly model (from my character from fuse) that I have a character for e.g. with just 8k and 13k polygons. Is this possible with 3D coat? I´m right that "baking textures" is when I use the high poly textures on a low poly model?
  4. Minimap: how you generate your map? if you use a .raw I would use the .raw to generate the minimap so you can calculate playerpositions on the map Fog of War: every unit should have a view/attack radius. dont draw what is not in the viewradius. for the fog itsself you can use a shader or just some kind of light. its up to you how it should look like.
  5. oh ok dont know and tested it just used the pick() function but dont know that the radius doesnt work. but whats about drawing a rectancle shape? and get entities from the collision? the mouse just click and we have x1y1 and where the mouse stops is x2y2 so we have everything we need to create a rectangle shape and get the entities from the collision should also be fast?
  6. dumb question but: is there a way to calculate a mesh with low details from a mesh with high details? with fuse i can create characters easy and fast but they have 17k tri/polys and would like to create a LOD character out of it
  7. do you have that material in your "/Sewers/Materials/Icons/" folder?
  8. I would just get the middle from the rectangle and do a pick at this point with dynamic radius. sure the selection is not a real rectangle but I think this would be superfast. then you can pptimize the script when you calculate that the entity is not in the rectangle with checking x1 x2, z1 z2 so you have a circle selection and delete "wrong" picked entities.
  9. I used tortoiseSVN and its pretty simple to use
  10. For my first game FUSE will be ok but in my opinion in just create random useless highpoly chars that dont look highpoly (18k polys for a Char) I also believe this tool is some kind of ad for mixamos autorigging stuff. For 50€ its ok but i dont like this tool because my chars have no personality.
  11. many ways. you can do it in other programs and export the animation and render it in realtime with leadwerks. or create simple camera moves directly in leadwerks. you also can render a movie as cutscene and just play it. I created some days ago a dolly zoom in leadwerks and works also fine but IMO for easy things you can do it in leadwerks but for fancy cameramoves and more advanced effects I would use blender/c4d/3dmax.
  12. nope there are a lot more (Bodyparts) but there are also TF2 Bodyparts included (I think if you want to create your own character in TF2, but its useless for me)
  13. I tried the Fuse demo some days ago and it is really easy to use and the autorigging is supereasy. Dont have seen that there is a 50% sale so I purchased it now and will give it a try later. sure looking for nice props alltime
  14. I´m really thinking about fuse and mixamo but I dont like the solution that I cant use face plus. I´m also scared that all models will look like the same. is there any hope that LOD will be supported soon with Leadwerks 3.1? ok I think I will give it a try 50€ for fuse+dlc is cheap and I can create so much chars as I want.
  15. Hey guys, I´m thinking about to buy some models for my game but I´m stuck at the tris/polysize. Is there a rule of the thumb how much a model should have that the game runs ok? I need a 3rd person model for my player and some models for enemies and also some props. I found a pretty nice model for 199$ that have 19k polys (+ high textured up to 4k and 8k) I would use smaller texture sizes in the game and the high textures for cutscenes.
  16. is there a way to change this? not every game is the same and needs a cylinder as character
  17. dont know what exactly you will do but I would just create a shape from codeside http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/shape/ if you need more than one shapes (one equals the model itsself, one is for the offset detection) I would scale the basic shape or create an other shape as offset or use AABB
  18. mhmm so its not possible to create volumetric fog and corona lightning effects for now?
  19. hi guys, someone can tell me or give me a hint how to create fog in a 3d scene. so that the models are a little bit harder to see (not only distance fog also some kind of volume fog in the camera view) I guess I only can do this with shaders but I´m a total shader noob and how do I can make my lightcone from lightsources like a spotlight visible in the fog to get more realistic?
  20. I dont think that this is ever coming but yes this should be an interface metaphor for an engine that "turns gamers into makers".
  21. in Leadwerks 3.1 with code? Cant find a command like this My game shows artifacts (glitching).
  22. no information here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/project-manager-r679 what the button does? I have to choose a template folder but have no clue what it means
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