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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. I activated the "latest build for testing" in steam but i still have no Steamwerks or Steamcontroller support. The latest Build doesnt contain it?
  2. ahh i just was focused on the window class sure camera class *facepalm* thx rick!
  3. I have a camera with birds eye perspective and will now use my mouse to click on primitive objects to select them. I´m stuck a little bit how to get the objects behind my mousecursor. The Window Class only gives me functions like GetMousePosition. I have an idea to calculate a ray startpoint in relation to the xy position from my mousecursor in the window and send the ray with 90° into my world to see if there is a collision with an entity but that seems to be not that nice. someone give me a hint?
  4. mhmm but where are tutorials for advanced people? I have the feeling that a lot of LE3 users buy leadwerks and think its a drag and drop clicktool where you can build a GTA 5 clone in 2 hours without any coding skills. I really would like to see some tutorials like introduce into shaders or some design patterns for game development. Sometimes I think new users are just lazy when I read some steamcommunity threads.
  5. I would like to see something like a roadmap or a todo from josh that we can see the progress of Leadwerks 3
  6. create a pivot as parent. all boxes are childs. rotate the pivot (cant test it right now but seems legit)
  7. its supereasy just use PushButtonscript and create a new one with a flowgraph function like Script:Toggle() --in if self.entity:Hidden() then self.entity:Show else self.entity:Hide() end and use this script with a light. I really prefer more advanced tutorials
  8. should be possible to create some ballistcs like parabel and so an. I´m trying to do something like a bullet find its target always with a beziercurve. in 2d no problem to implement in 3d I need more time ;D
  9. why dont use something like blender or so to model a 3d object like a window and just import it?
  10. no not the ball i will just Move the ground Like http://li.c-b.co/is/image/LandOfNod/3719411_MarblesGame_H08/%24web_zoom%24%26wid%3D550%26hei%3D550%26/1308310657/dont-lose-your-marbles-games.jpg Thx for Info
  11. Josh should give us dev permissions also as indie Edition user
  12. I rotated an entity (ground) with function Script:UpdateWorld() if App.window:KeyDown(Key.L) then rotationNow = self.entity:GetRotation() self.entity:SetRotation(rotationNow.x,rotationNow.y,rotationNow.z-1) System:Print("X: " ..rotationNow.x .. " Y: " ..rotationNow.y .. " Z: " ..rotationNow.z) end if App.window:KeyDown(Key.J) then rotationNow = self.entity:GetRotation() self.entity:SetRotation(rotationNow.x,rotationNow.y,rotationNow.z+1) System:Print("X: " ..rotationNow.x .. " Y: " ..rotationNow.y .. " Z: " ..rotationNow.z) end if App.window:KeyDown(Key.K) then rotationNow = self.entity:GetRotation() self.entity:SetRotation(rotationNow.x-1,rotationNow.y,rotationNow.z) System:Print("X: " ..rotationNow.x .. " Y: " ..rotationNow.y .. " Z: " ..rotationNow.z) end if App.window:KeyDown(Key.I) then rotationNow = self.entity:GetRotation() self.entity:SetRotation(rotationNow.x+1,rotationNow.y,rotationNow.z) System:Print("X: " ..rotationNow.x .. " Y: " ..rotationNow.y .. " Z: " ..rotationNow.z) end end before rotation https://www.dropbox.com/s/wobccysass1cxtc/Screenshot%202014-01-18%2000.37.51.png after rotation https://www.dropbox.com/s/t7p73t5x9tm969f/Screenshot%202014-01-18%2000.38.19.png when I have probs (like the sphere) on the ground they ignore the rotation and stay in the air until I touch them (with FPSplayer) I think I need some kind of UpdateShape() or UpdatePhysics() someone could tell me the right command that my props act like they should ?
  13. write shaders like: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/459-subsurface-shader/
  14. dude. there are so many threads about that subject. your gpu doesnt support openGL 4.... https://developer.nvidia.com/opengl-driver
  15. dropbox or create own server on owncloud btw my dropbox is over 40 GB (student space race ) or best way just work at one computer
  16. Whats the use of that? or why you will draw a big FRONT image into the skybox?
  17. i´m not interested into the LE 3 terrain editor (useless for me) I need lua/c++ functions from the LE3 API to load a .raw or export information about every pixel to create random worlds. I also have a script written with pure OpenGL but when the LE3 API have some functions to analyse .raw-maps it would be also nice
  18. jup. how to evaluate the heightmaps? i dont see opportunely functions in the api
  19. nope its not visible only in debug mode (press L) or if you turn triggerVisible to "true" @runtime the script should not taken too seriously I only wanted to test if it is possible
  20. I got it now. triggering just with shapes is possible if someone is interested in: just add this script to a pivot object and move it to the position where you want the trigger. Size can be manipulated in the Script Tab Press L to show triggers in debug mode Script.Mapfile = "" --path Map Script.triggerSize = Vec3(1,1,1) --vec3 TriggerSize Script.triggerVisible = true --bool ShowTrigger function Script:Start() self.enabled=true if self.triggerVisible then --Create box self.box = Model:Box(self.triggerSize.x, self.triggerSize.y, self.triggerSize.z) self.box:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition().x, self.entity:GetPosition().y, self.entity:GetPosition().z) self.box:SetColor(0,1,0) end --Create shape self.entity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Trigger) self.shape = Shape:Box(0,0,0, 0,0,0, self.triggerSize.x, self.triggerSize.y, self.triggerSize.z) self.entity:SetShape(self.shape) self.shape:Release() end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if self.enabled then self.component:CallOutputs("Collision") System:Print("BAZINGA") if(self.Mapfile) ~= "" then --do a mapload end end end function Script:Enable()--in if self.enabled==false then self.enabled=true self:CallOutputs("Enable") end end function Script:Disable()--in if self.enabled then self.enabled=false self:CallOutputs("Disable") end end function Script:UpdateWorld() if DEBUG then if App.window:KeyHit(Key.L) then if self.box == nil then --Create box self.box = Model:Box(self.triggerSize.x, self.triggerSize.y, self.triggerSize.z) self.box:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition().x, self.entity:GetPosition().y, self.entity:GetPosition().z) self.box:SetColor(0,1,0) self.box:Hide() end if self.box:Hidden() then System:Print("Trigger on") self.box:Show() else System:Print("Trigger off") self.box:Hide() end end end end
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