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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. A material need resources to storage and there is a drawcall that "draw" the invisible material. I dont need both things in this case and it cost rendertime and storage in my RAM. the minimal information I need is: a nullpoint to find my trigger and 6 faces (6*2 =12 triangles) so I only have a nullpoint = 3 integers // x y z and 12 triangles (12*3= 36 vertices) = 3*36 = 108 integers (or less because some vertices are the same) (sure when I create objects there are more informations) for a cuboid trigger I would like to have something that isnt drawn in the world and just have shapes to detect collisions maybe a new entity?
  2. ahh good hint. a pivot with shapes should increase performance (vs. csg box with invisible material) I guess or I´m wrong? sure its not much but when its possible I will try not to waste resources
  3. I´m looking for a good stable solution to track facial expressions/motions and integrate them into my models. Is there a software which is easy to handle combined with a kinect camera? I think about to buy iPi Mocap Studio 2 to animate my Models but which software is also good to track facial expressions?
  4. Mhmm is it just me or do you welcome something like this too ? So maybe a mod could move this thread to the Suggestion subforum.
  5. So its only possible with an invisible material ? I am only interested in the shape to trigger a collision
  6. I dont like to create a "invisible" Material. is there a [x] invisble solution?
  7. mhmm so there is no solution like Light:SetShadowMultiSamplingMode(int x)
  8. I cant find the command for the quality options in the command reference
  9. higher msaa will increase the whole camera I guess? but I only would like to increase the shadows with some kind of msaa not the other stuff like my models
  10. I created a Light with self.light = DirectionalLight:Create() self.light:SetRotation(25,25,0) how can I increase the quality of the shadows the light drop behind models? my shadows looks very bad. I also have a simple DaynNight System that just rotate my Lights x and y in the mainloop like function App:UpdateDaynNight() self.lightx = (self.lightx+0.009) % 360 self.lighty = (self.lighty+0.005) % 360 self.light:SetRotation(self.lightx, self.lighty, self.lightz) end but my shadows are not smooth. they are shaking a little bit https://www.dropbox.com/s/p2ftgo6jhves3j5/Screenshot%202014-01-16%2000.39.26.png
  11. you can easily create the fps sample by yourself with your own map. just take a look in the tutorial section http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/ also see the tutorial thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8103-gameplay-tutorial-requests-here/
  12. It would be awesome when the engine allow us to prepare and change the map when we want to do it, to create some kind of background loading. (when using threads) For now a map will be loaded and changed with Map:Load() thats not optimal in my opinion because the map will be prepared and loaded with one function. But I would like to have a api function that allow me to trigger a prepareLoad() function that stores the mapfile in the RAM and a api function like Map:PushChangeMap() that allow me to do the mapload once the map was prepared. That would be great so we can use a CollisionTrigger (Like the last room in the Level) to do a Map:PrepareLoad(). And the Player dont know that the map is loaded in the Background. With an other CollisionTrigger (Like the last door in the room that give access to next level) I wanna push the Mapload (obviously the map was prepared before) with Map:PushChangeMap(). I think this would increase the mapload a lot and give the player an other game experience than always see a loading screen.
  13. is it possible to make the shape visible or switch between shape and model in the LE3 Editor? just for debugging
  14. how the material look like? (used textures/shaders)
  15. really cant wait for c++ and thread support and writing a nice while loading animation is it possible to change the map and control the point of Loading/Changing? like: -pushing prepare load by a trigger -> map will be loaded into RAM (but not changed only prepared) -pushing changemap by a trigger ->map is already in RAM so it will do a fast level switch when I use threads for it the player dont have to wait that long because there is a prepare function that only load the map triggered by a collision (some area near the end of the level) and when I reach the end of the level it gives an OK to change the map. in the LE3 API the Map:Load function will do both. loading and changing. is there a way or maybe some hope to split this? I would like to code a changelevel function that do everything in the background because I dont like normal loadingscreens^^
  16. ok I agree. I dont know something like content culling but how can the compiler detect something like this: When I have a Textbox where I have to type in the Modelname as String? (sure its a bad coding technique but I think the compiler cant know it because there is no relationship or reference) $model = ""; //string function getModelNameFromTextInputBox(){ //function returns my string from the textbox where I write the String in runtime (like in a browser textbox) return ValueFromTheTextBox; } $model = getModelNameFromTextInputBox(); // e.g. "test.mdl" Model:Load(getModelNameFromTextInputBox()); //load my model "test.mdl"
  17. ahh dammit. but good to know there will be no other way to change the map I guess thx rick!
  18. hey rick. in the same time I wrote also a mapload script. The Mapload works nice when I call the mapload from the App:Start() or the App:Loop() my Idea was to use another lua script to Push that mapload but it will not work when mycollisiontrigger will push the mapload. There is a error msg like: attempt to index global 'Script' (a nil value) this is my app.lua --This function will be called once when the program starts function App:Start() --screensettings self.screenWidth = 600 --x self.screenHeight= 400 --y self.contextMsaa = 0 --msaa --mapsettings self.startMap = "level_01.map" -- map which will be loaded first self.currentMap = "" -- currentmap which is loaded --Create a window self.window=Window:Create("MyTestArea", 0, 0, App:getScreenWidth(), App:getScreenHeight(), Window.Titlebar) self.window:HideMouse() --Create the graphics context self.context=Context:Create(self.window, App:getContextMsaa()) if self.context==nil then return false end --Create a world self.world=World:Create() -- load startmap App:LoadMap(self.startMap) return true end --This is our main program loop and will be called continuously until the program ends function App:Loop() --If window has been closed, end the program if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape) then return false end --mapchangetest if self.window:KeyDown(Key.H) then App:LoadMap("level_02.map") end --Update the app timing Time:Update() --Update the world self.world:Update() --Render the world self.world:Render() --Render statistics self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) if DEBUG then self.context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) self.context:DrawText("DEBUG MODE",2,2) self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawText("Map: "..App:getCurrentMap(),2,22) self.context:DrawText(App:getScreenWidth() .." x " .. App:getScreenHeight() .. " - msaa: " ..App:getContextMsaa(),2,42) self.context:DrawText("Memory usage: "..System:GetMemoryUsage(),2,62) self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawStats(2,102) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) else self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawText("FPS: "..Math:Round(Time:UPS()),2,2) end --Refresh the screen self.context:Sync(false) --Returning true tells the main program to keep looping return true end --this function will load a mapfile located in the Maps folder function App:LoadMap(_mapfile) --loading msg self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) self.context:DrawText("Loading...",App:getScreenWidth()/2, App:getScreenHeight()/2) self.context:Sync(false) self.world:Release() self.world=World:Create() --Load map local mapfile = System:GetProperty("map","Maps/".. _mapfile) if Map:Load(mapfile)==false then Debug:Error("cant find or load mapfile: Maps/".. _mapfile) return false else System:Print(_mapfile .. " successful loaded!") App:setCurrentMap(_mapfile) return true end end --Getter/Setter functions function App:getScreenWidth() return self.screenWidth end function App:getScreenHeight() return self.screenHeight end function App:getCurrentMap() return self.currentMap end function App:setCurrentMap(_mapfile) self.currentMap = _mapfile end function App:getContextMsaa() return self.contextMsaa end this is my trigger --[[ This script will make any entity act as a collision trigger. It works best when you set the entity's collision type to "Trigger". This will continuously detect collisions without causing any physical reaction. ]]-- Script.nextMap = "" --path "next Map" "Map (*.map):map|Maps" function Script:Start() self.enabled=true end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if self.enabled then self.component:CallOutputs("Collision") end System:Print("MAPLOAD PUSH") App:LoadMap(Script.nextMap) end function Script:Enable()--in if self.enabled==false then self.enabled=true self:CallOutputs("Enable") end end function Script:Disable()--in if self.enabled then self.enabled=false self:CallOutputs("Disable") end end is this not possible cause I call it in the level? I dont like that "always checking to change level option"
  19. is there somewhere a lua tutorial for mapchanges? I think its a bug or something it loads everytime the map I´ve opened in the editor. it just ignore my code. confusing.
  20. Supidupi btw add it to the tutorial summary,please
  21. When I create models in Code it will be something like: cube = new Cube(3) it will create for e.g. a cube with n=3 and I can use cube.setSomething() to use a private function of the Object Cube() but how I can access models (like a door) that Ive created in the editor? its a little bit confusing. when I create something in the editor, I have no code from it. When I create a cube with some lines of code. I see it in the GameRun but not in the Editor.
  22. Everything what is into your project folder will be compiled I guess. When you dont need some assets in your game than you should not integrate them. I think an engine couldnt know which assets the software will be using @runtime when the code will be compiled. When I have a game and there is a choosePlayerModel() function (like male/female) than you need 2 models but only 1 is really used. The engine doesnt know which model you need at runtime so it have to compile the worst case -> compile everything.
  23. also nice library: http://www.libsdl.org/
  24. well for the time until c++ support is available: in Half Life 2 there was no loading screen also. just a note "LOADING" and the game was stuck until map was loaded loading screen is just a fancy part of the game. you can implement it later. or do it like HL2 btw: I would seperated the whole GUI/Game Logic stuff in threads. It should be no reason to use just one for everything so that the game is waiting and wasting cpu time by drawing something like Ammo/Health text/textures on the screen when the ticks should needed somewhere else. Sure its harder to handle more than 1 thread because you may produce data races or tearing effects but its still a kind of performance optimizing when your code is executed asynchron in that case.
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