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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. cant test it I´m not in the beta group
  2. hard when I get the networking with steamworks in my game and greenlight fails. I dont know how big there is the failrate. sure I want to publish my game on steam but its not just: I´m ready lets go on steam.
  3. does the networking only works when I have my game on steam? I´m sure most of the features are useless when I dont get my game on steam right?
  4. mhmm shouldnt be that hard. motion blur is done in accumulation buffer. just calculate the average of all images from different moments in time. problem is how to detect the camera speed and use it as strength and how to avoid the effect for some models like the gun (HL2) maybe with stencil buffer but never tested.
  5. Why I should buy it on steam ? No Chance to sell it
  6. Post your code you have added or how should we know what went wrong ?!?
  7. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/camerasetfov-r208 read code and do some try and error
  8. I use sub painter for those stuff or 3D coat. But always nice to see new techniques
  9. In the future there should not be default assets and every demo Assets should be available from the workshop. A clean project at project creation. Other stuff we can and from workshop if needed
  10. this should be already possible with geometry shaders. problem is that you dont get data out of the pipe so openCL or cuda is maybe better to use "physic particles" if you want it you have to implement this by yourself. this will never come even not in the workshop. your first post is also a 2d engine. but we talk about 2 different subjects here. klepto2 and me means something like that (some mio. particles) you want just a particle system with sprites and add some collisions. we just need api functions to get access to the particle system here and int should be no problem to add this.
  11. I have already a full autocompletion in my sublime text editor for leadwerks with those snippets also some other fast hacks. sublime text is best editor ever use it also at work and for fun coding.
  12. yeah thats coding its just important to keep going and motivate yourself or you never learn something new. nice menu btw. keep going!
  13. just execute the game over code on the last frame of the animation
  14. jep! playbutton would be sick I was looking for something like that but it seems like I have to do it manually in the editor with the keyframe markers. I rly hope there is coming some kind of mod support for leadwerks that I can implement my own tiny stuff.
  15. How I can export and paint one of those leadwerks brushs?
  16. nice tut give us more but for tiles I prefer substance designer to generate fast more variety. I dont like it when a wall looks everywhere like the same or a ground.
  17. its just a small hack i guess to give us the opportunity to give animations in the model editor a name. some of my models have a lot of animations and a quick look into the model editor to see which ID is what kind of animation would be helpful instead of looking always into the keyframes.
  18. Michael_J nice work but for next images could you increase the gamme a bit? I have to set my screen to solarium to see what it shows
  19. my character in the asset section is full rigged. feel free to add some animations
  20. When you create the models its up to you to create the Axes how you Need them. this should be Part of the Model software
  21. Attach Files You can upload up to 500K of files (Max. single file size: 500K) Reading is hard in your age Cassius ?
  22. for images you should upload a bigger resolution of your image files that we can see your work better.
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