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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. I have no clue. Ive seen it also in my log but I try to dont think about such crazy things because leadwerks is full of it.
  2. post your code. dont think its because of your files.
  3. Can you be more detailed ? What files you edited and how? And what was the exact error message?
  4. there should be a 3rd person script per default in the script folder. take a look and read the code
  5. dont believe its a bug its just a bad implemention because josh forget/ignored about asynchron development for those things because its not that importat or he dont noticed it on his SSD that hard. but sure its not really important like the color of a car or the size of the engine. but it makes life easier to use this software without that behaviour. But you are right it freeze and a GUI should never hang up while the processing something. thats why we have threads nowadays. best way is to seperate this into some kind of layers (thread for gui, thread for generate stuff in the editor, thread for background nsa logging) so nothing will be stacked or freeze and the editor feel more smooth. Ive noticed this on every little thing in the editor that normaly takes some time or have progressbars. like importing models (editor create own model files) importing textures (editor create own text files) load big models (freeze editor sometimes when big files) this should all not happen with threading. You also could write a small progress bar to make the gui more user friendly. IMO the usabillity of the gui is very unfriendly because I often thought the editor is broken or hang up again. No response, no information. Just hope that the editor will response thats not a solution for a good editor. also at the project creation. The project creation (create folders etc) takes too much time and freeze the gui because its waiting until the project file are created. which gui is leadwerks using? wxWidgets?
  6. its not a bug and its better to tell such private things like email address directly to josh per email or private message.
  7. what do you mean with skycube? a samplerCube for cubemaps?
  8. dont forget about open graph protocol to boost seo
  9. how ? It should be possible with uniform vars but how I can define my own uniform vars ? Like a dynamic Alphavalue calculated with leadwerks and pushed into the shader with uniform qualifier each loop?
  10. mhmm seems like I´m stuck here and noone have a clue how to solve that problem
  11. I like the gizmo from 3d coat with rotating scale move options
  12. hi its not that hard but you need some coding skills to implement that. you ask how so i think you mean the logic: the player object needs vars: healthpoints and lifes (Integer) functions: hit($input) hit($input) decreases the player HP e.g. currentHP = 100 hit(80) -> return currentHP - 80 check also if your HP is <= 0 if yes you need a dead() function. the deadfunction just decrement your life integer var. if life = 0 -> do some gameover stuff BTW: forget about that player script. create a new game and do everything by yourself and read the documentation. if you have mainly problems with programming read some c++/lua tuts or see the tutorial thread (from Rick). you also dont will find some functions in guides or in the code reference for doing such trivial stuff. take a look into the command reference and also the script reference for your script stuff. also take a look into the object script guide
  13. where can I read about the leadwerks engine shader variables? there is nothing in the documentation about it or may i missed it?
  14. ahhhh makes sense is there a tesselation shader coming ? was wondering because I had the same issue https://www.dropbox.com/s/8kzciw8fqom18nj/Screenshot%202014-04-08%2017.43.30.png but sure no subdivision no displacement.
  15. Thx ! you know some good tutorials for deferred shader ? well I wanted to try to read glsl 4.0 Cook Book but its bad when I cant Test the shader Examples :/ I really want to get more involved into shaders but its like the holy grail.
  16. hey guys I´m reading opengl 4.0 shading cook book to get a feeling for shaders and learn the basics but I fail with my first simple diffuse shader example. thats my code: Vertex #version 400 layout (location = 0) in vec3 VertexPosition; layout (location = 1) in vec3 VertexNormal; out vec3 LightIntensity; uniform vec4 LightPosition; // Light position in eye coords. uniform vec3 Kd; // Diffuse reflectivity uniform vec3 Ld; // Light source intensity uniform mat4 ModelViewMatrix; uniform mat3 NormalMatrix; uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix; uniform mat4 MVP; // Projection * ModelView void main(){ // Convert normal and position to eye coords vec3 tnorm = normalize( NormalMatrix * VertexNormal); vec4 eyeCoords = ModelViewMatrix * vec4(VertexPosition,1.0); vec3 s = normalize(vec3(LightPosition - eyeCoords)); // The diffuse shading equation LightIntensity = Ld * Kd * max( dot( s, tnorm ), 0.0 ); // Convert position to clip coordinates and pass along gl_Position = MVP * vec4(VertexPosition,1.0); } Fragment #version 400 in vec3 LightIntensity; layout( location = 0 ) out vec4 FragColor; void main() { FragColor = vec4(LightIntensity, 1.0); } I attached the shader to a material and to a ground but it is still invisible and the screen is black.
  17. then wait until he contacts you. he will read this thread for sure.
  18. yep its material editor bug. annoying I know but josh said this should be fix in the latest build
  19. whats your framerate? @micheal yougroove have set in his startpost sync to true so vsync should be activated. how this function works and if it give us double or trible buffering i dont know, but yougrooves screen looks like normal vsync off artifacts. do you have more context create or some context functions that maybe influence the vsync?
  20. you mean some Walls flip dark and then it draws the normal Texture when you turn in fp view?
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