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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. I asked the same some month ago and it seems like there are not so many shader devs here. The best Solution for me were some tutorials from the net and reading the code from the included shaders. Shadmar and klepto are some of the Gurus here also rastar with bis tesselation shader. Check Out bis blog. I would also like to See some More Advanced shader discussions
  2. You can create new shaders in the editor. Just leftclick in one folder and select new shader (like creating new script or material)
  3. depends on how it should look like. you can use textures and draw them on the screen. or load a mapfile as 3d menu. you can also use noesisGUI for this when its released for Leadwerks for a simple HUD you can use textures also or custom Fonts if you just want a text based HUD. its the same stuff like the main menu but with more input like bullet/HP count. you can also use noesisGUI depends on how the menu should be used but normal just like onclick do this function (e.g. loadmap)
  4. just a question. if you have a 3d model you dont own and retopo the model and use your own textures. whats the license of this model?
  5. texture atlas fancy word dont have known that label I just know this as "spritesheet" from 2d games i found this video years ago when i played with cocos2d engine. it explains how you can save a lot of memory (important on mobile devices) by using spritesheets instead of using single images (also compression) take a look
  6. they can be used definitly but you need to implement your own physic based shaders to use those texture maps. maybe *cough* shadmar can do something if we can afford some beer/energy/naked college girls. pbr looks like the "new ****" and the right shaders in leadwerks would be great because you can use a bunch of nice new tools for nice looking game experiences. I´m not sure if the 3d output with diffuse, normal, spec, displacement would be optical the same with the pb-maps but I claim it does ~basically. maybe with a few differences. Ive exported some pbr stuff as normal diffuse, normal, spec (is there a name for this like "physic based rendering" but just for the normal thing?) and it also looks nice with substance designer. I tried the textures in leadwerks and it look fancy (but using substances would be much cooler )
  7. leadwerks is not fully optimized yet but josh said in other threads that there will be more optimizations later. I expect better performance later when everything is working and josh have more time for this. I dont care so much about performance right now because its part of the development stage and it will be a lot better after some time. Keep in mind that suboptimal code also can drop fps so if you have hard fps drops in your own game think about your code and try to optimize it even when its just a small memoryleak or something else. Dont expect a detailed date for better performance from josh he also said he dont like to make deadlines and I can understand it. be patient, optimization is a must here and it will come for sure. IMO it will come in 3-4 month I know its a long time but I give him the time for other things. josh is a openGL guru and I also think he have some optimizations in mind but he dont implement it because of other things are important right now
  8. if you know that your project is going long I would do everything from scratch and build my own engine for my needs.
  9. ok I spam his pm folder when I have more questions soon
  10. yep I used this function (I have no clue what It means but it works) there are so many export functions in the retopo menu that its hard to hold the overview.
  11. nope its was wrong uv export. other materials (default leadwerks stuff) also looks crappy. but I could fix it now
  12. yep I also think so, price is much higher but ask josh for it, I think noone can tell you because most of us just own indie or older versions and not the source code. 1000$ for FULL sourcecode access vs 200$ for just a Leadwerks 3.1 standard copy.
  13. ive created the textures with substance designer/bitmap2material. they look awesome on normal walls or ground that I create with leadwerks but on my 3d model they look crappy like they have a low resolution edit ok it seems that my UV resolution was not high enough. god damn all that resolution UV normal map displacement retopo voxel obj->fbx stuff is so confusing
  14. Ive done some retopo stuff with 3d coat but when I choose some textures I have created in leadwerks (1024x1024) the texture looks like superlow 32x32 (no details much pixelstuff). when I drop the texture onto a normal ground or brush everything looks fine and detailed in leadwerks. any clue whats wrong?
  15. the rain thing is something different. with substances you can create for e.g. a toilet room with unique ceramic tiles (some are broken some are dirty, grunge effect etc) if you now like to increase the dirty level just adjust some parameters or do you dont like the tilesize and want more tiles? no problem just adjust some parameters. you dont like the color or you want rectangle tiles dynamicly created (dont forget all the maps also automaticly created like normal, spec, height, etc) everything is no problem with substances. if you always have to edit the basic texture e.g. with photoshop and have to export the maps with tools like bitmap2material it takes years. with substances you can check out different settings in a finger snip. you dont just can use shaders for everything and you dont just can use textures for everything. you need both. but you can create those dynamic water effects or snow effects with substances also. the fact that you can scale your texture resolution in realtime also makes like easier. shader coding is also not the easiest thing. for now I have to export low and high resolution for low/high gfx settings. with substances you could import your substance and ask whats the gfx settings? its super awesome fancy ultra high? ok export the 1000k textures. just think about if you have exported every texture (low, mid, high, ultra) and then you want to change something... its like "*gnarf* I have to export all those texture maps again -.-" with substances you say : "ok whats next?"
  16. I dont use blender because its a nightmare for me but for the lua stuff see Ricks fancy thread: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8103-gameplay-tutorial-requests-here/page__hl__tutorial+request edit: ah ok you I see u dont own the engine, well in your case I just would read some basics. I never used lua before and learned it also with the engine but I have good coding experinces with other languages. lua programming in one sheet or in multiply scripts is a little bit different. lua is also not that hard to understand so just wait until you have the engine. if you really want to learn some lua before you own LE read code. you have to read a lot of code later. if you understand simple scripts you can do some more advanced in your mind.
  17. mhmmm ok this seems logic but it feels like wrong ok learned something new.
  18. jep SD is really nice but ok it takes some time to learn the software but it pays. for me its not just the texture size its about the dynamic textures because you can change everything in the game.
  19. is this the best way to do this? I dont think so. when I play a game and see 2 or more views in one window or just take a look into leadwerks 4 views. this are just textures ???
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