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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. yeah "just" wait... some day it will be available
  2. yougroove this question has been asked so often here, please. self.window = Window:Create(title,0,0,x,y,Window.FullScreen)
  3. You Need a function that returns which Key was pressed. There is no function for this in the API for now so you have to Check every Key in One Loop by yourself (KeyHit()) I would do it this way: i have a file (i like xml) with the default Key configuration. You need a file here because this should be persistent. A Script reads the file and sets the command for each Key. If you want to change the configuration You Need to overwrite the configfile and read it again
  4. 3. there is! If you install the game you see a leadwerks banner. No clue how to change this
  5. You can do a lot with fuse i also have dlc and you can edit it in other Software like 3D coat
  6. I use FUSE for quick character creation
  7. thats why I said leadwerks Indie Edition is some kind of Early Access but its sold as finished lua game engine. For me I want to buy the cpp Version but only if its worth. Would I buy the current version with cpp? nope Site kickstarter is also important but i Never had bought leadwerks If i had known about all the Bad Performance/bugs stuff. Its Early access and not finished
  8. I dont can try it right now but try to decrease the camera view range
  9. jep I also noticed this. it has something to do with the infinite light and the terrain. you can increase the fps when the camera dont see anything of the terrain (like mountains blocking the area behind). if you have just a flat terrain it have to render everything. hard for flight simulators
  10. you really have to ask this question? http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/ RakNet is a cross platform, open source, C++ networking engine for game programmers. A lower level framework powers higher-level features such as game object replication, voice chat, and patching.
  11. And how do you think this would be done in Leadwerks? josh code the stuff for me no just kidding but I think something like this could be very useful for other users. I dont think something like this would be coming soon but sometimes I would like to do some more advanced stuff but I cant do it with leadwerks because the available classes and functions are very clearly. I just want the best for leadwerks. I really like the engine but I´m missing something here and there. for example leadwerks have native OpenAL support. But when I would like to do some more advanced audio stuff (like effects or filters) I have to buy the cpp version include OpenAL library again and have to code my functions by myself.
  12. I also have the AABB solution in mind but I dont like it. with AABB I could check if there is a source entity in range but the problem is that I have to calculate the volume that the AABB receive. AABB is ok for collisions but a sound is not only a collision. It also have a range. this fact gives me other problems: eg. Case - Player audible range is to small and Source is far away I have a source that plays a sound 100 units away from my player. The range of the source is 120 so the player will notice it when he moves 20 units to the source entity if the player audible range is 80. (player range is size of AABB) to avoid this I have to set the radius from my AABB to the maximum RangeValue from all sources. The AABB solution is also not the best performance option because I need a sphere or a cylinder here for collision detection eg. I have 5 sources 1. Range 5 2. Range 5 3. Range 25 4. Range 27 5. Range 190 I have to set the audiable range radius to 190+ and have to check all entities here. so if I use a cube for AABB it I have to check 190*2 units in all directions (xyz) just for one enemy. I also dont want to give the player some kind of audible range and calculate it every frame. In real world we also dont have a audible range. hearing is just input. yes or not. so ears are some kind of observer. Its a good example to use observer/listeners here It should already be implemented into leadwerks. When I have a listener that calculates the volume of my sounds there have to be a function that gives the leadwerks engine something like "getSourceVolume()" because when my player character is in front of an source entity the volume is the highest in my speakers. when I move away the volume goes down in my speakers. Something have to tell my speakers which volume the sound have to play. So I believe those functions are already implemented but not public. I also would like to use the listener as a listener (observer) because thats what a listener is there for but there are no functions available in leadwerks. I also dont want to calculate it every frame because its very bad case. I would like to do it event driven. so no range for the player only ranges for sounds (sources). if a listener notice one or more sources (because its in the range of the sources) I will ask for a array/list of source entities and its volumes. I want those functions public accesible for all leadwerkers. I think there is a lot capability for the listener class
  13. Hey guys, I´m looking for a solution that the bad guys in my game can hear me. Every sound (source) have a range but I need something like "ears" to get a notice if a sound is audible or in range to an object (specific position of an enemy). I need an object or some kind of listener for each enemy that observse if there is a sound played with a specific key. The key is used to indicate if the sound (source) is coming from the player (footsteps, shooting etc) or from the map (ambient sounds etc). if the key that was detected is from the player than the enemy move to that point. Maybe its a good option to add more functions to listeners like: Listener:AudibleSources() that returns an array with all entities of sources that are in range and audible with that functions I could ask the array for the keys (is that sound from a player?) if I find a key like "fromPlayer" I will ask the position of the entity and the enemy uses the navmesh to go there. if would also be nice to ask whats the volume of a sound (source) from a specific point. If the point is in range of the sound it should be between 0 and your Source:SetVolume() value. If not its 0. Listener:GetSourceVolume(*source) returns the audible volume (float) of the source from the listener position. is there a other way to do this? This functions would really help a lot
  14. ähm why you know this and why this is not in the documentation or I´m blind again?
  15. Is it possible to get a function to get the resolution of a window? like System:Print(App.window:GetSize()) Console: Vec2(1024, 768) I dont like to save the w/h values from Window:Create() for each window
  16. I had the same error here and will quote Rick here in other words the function is not official supported (its also not in the documentation) I guess. btw my function self.camera:EnablePostEffects(true) was just an example that I would like to see something like this. see shadmars solution but this is not well documented also
  17. how you write testcases for your functions/classes in lua? Is there a way to do it like in other languages (phpUnit, jUnit) if the codes grows up more and more its harder to find bugs and avoid exceptions. I will try to avoid this in the future.
  18. mhmm ok I just thought the function exists because its highlighted and it seems serious. I think the range setters/getters are not that important but there could be some more functions for listeners and please UPDATE THAT DOCUMENTATION
  19. with code? In editor just use the checkbox to Use Post Effects but how I can do this in code? I cant see this in the api. like: camera:EnablePostEffects(true) everything that is possible in the editor should be possible from code side.
  20. I created a listener but it give me a strange error msg when I try to set the Range. It works just with Listener:Create (maybe there is a default range in the constructor) but the split between left and right soundchannel is really bad. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/listener/listenersetrange-r484 I also cant use the getter function error msg https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8fqlhhflcgborw/Screenshot%202014-03-05%2001.38.48.png the message is a bit strange because the parameter should be a float. (I use betabranch)
  21. ok it works but I´m not happy. when I look to the object then the split between right and left audiochannel is pretty hard. Is there a way to do this smoother? when I stay in front of a radio I want to hear it with both ears and not just with the closest one. when I look exact to the radio its "ok". it sounds like "audiolaggs" when I look on an object and move the character (fps view) because of the toggle between left and right channel it sounds like there a just 3 ways left on right off left on right on left off right on there is no transition between it like 30% left 70% right
  22. ok it have something to do with my .wav file but I dont know why. the files from the leadwerks demo are ok. my files are audible everytime edit: aggror was faster ok maybe this is default knowledge but may put a note on the api that the soundfile have to be mono.
  23. what you mean with "attached". I created a camera and set the listener in the editor as child from the camera. the noise comes from an object far away but I still can hear it even with SetRange(0.1).
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