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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. I´m blind? dont see listener class here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/ but Listener:Create() is highlighted in leadwerks. edit: ok I´m confused. its in the index page listed http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/index/ I thought the index page == all functions from command reference?
  2. I tried to create a small ambient/noise script like noise.lua but http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/source/sourcesetrange-r321 will not work. I tried to set Range to 0.1 but I can hear the sound attached to a pivot far far away. it also will not work with the standard Noise.lua script. Is this a bug?
  3. is there a nice way to fade in/fade out shaders or post effects? like in some games e.g. you are nearly dead and everything gets greyscaled. for now it should be possible in this case to toggle the greyscale post effect but I would like to do it a little bit smoother. can I push a dynamic alpha valua to shaders at runtime? I guess not.
  4. I do it this way if Debug then if window.KeyHit(Key.X) then --do something end end
  5. Pivot is parent. Childs are Wood Parts. If there is to much Force unset and delete parent. Wood parts are alone now and its own parents. (
  6. I got a msg from josh. He is planning something like that also around the free weekend on steam. I think we could put this together to one gamejam.
  7. you can set the 3d position of a sound with http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/source/sourcesetposition-r323 dont have read noise.lua but there should be something like this
  8. yep I also have this bug http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/statuses/id/7026/
  9. For primitive objects it is maybe easy to create the model but its harder when you have models like characters and have to take care of the polycount. Texturiing is also a part but you can prototype also with no textures or dummy textures. For textures I use substance designer. Its not all that hard when you use good software that make you life easier
  10. debugger is nice but in my case I dont need/use a debugger. I´m sure its possible with sublime because there are some debugger plugins out there for it with setting breakpoints and so on but for me I just want to code faster without taking a look into the leadwerks api. its just some code for me to learn the api also and play with phyton at the same time. I guess there are not many people who need it but I like the sublime editor and want to create this to be faster I also dont think that there are many people interested into my autocomletion stuff, but its just for me. May I´m wrong and I will upload it on github. I will post it on this forum when my first version is finished and we will see
  11. for now it does not, but I will implement it later because I want it also. I have to extract the leadwerks documentation first into a valid file format to do this later. Add/Edit functions from future leadwerks builds is also very easy. There are also other features in my mind for the future but this is not my thread its about oasis editor.
  12. I still use it but its not finished/complete yet here is a quick example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-bQnjAqZEM&feature=youtu.be features: full api completion script object completion + fast code snippets some other stuff works on win/osx/linux
  13. hey guys I purchased the humble bundle indie 11 and I have one not needed copy of monaco: whats yours is mine. I would like to do some kind of gaming contest or game coding jam. users from the leadwerksforum that like to code and win this have to create a small game in some days (subject will be given) and post it here. the leadwerks community will rate the games after time is over and the winner gets the gift code maybe we see some nice game demos what do you think?
  14. too complicated? its the easiest way to get leadwerks autocompletion if you need it now.
  15. you can write plugins for sublime. sure there is no automatic way to do this. easiest way is when we have the code to generate the documentation but leadwerks is not open source. other solution is to parse the documentation on leadwerks.com but the documentation is not very well (not everything have examples, descriptions etc) to do this with a parser and a nice output. the leadwerks documentation is very small. just write it in the plugin for sublime (best editor in the world for me btw) http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-create-a-sublime-text-2-plugin--net-22685
  16. I know I´m annoying with this but is it possible to get some kind of build number in the leadwerks splash screen and get more detailed update news on leadwerks.com like: Build 1234 released on 25.02.2014 changelog improved fancy function x added fancy y support editor bug z fixed comments: Rick: Nice! Aggror: Awesome! DudeAwesome: Fancy! YouGroove: Rename Bug fixed? thx jesus!
  17. sublime 2 + lua plugin [x] done
  18. I dont know toxic but are you trolling us? I mean in an other thread you will create an fps engine with Uberfeatures for one person and here you tell us about a lua editor because the leadwerks editor sucks for you (but you will use leadwerks for your engine???). I see no sense maybe some self education for you with those project but they will never be completed or even used I guess. When josh is updating the editor and improve some stuff your editor becomes obsolete btw
  19. ok then it should possible to ask for a linear velocity to the bottom (if player falls down) if there is one you should disable the jump. like: is my player falling? yes -> disable jump is my player falling? no -> enable jump other solution: if player have a collision with an entity with the key "ground" enable jump. if not disable jump.
  20. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitygetairborne-r698 to check if you stay on ground
  21. do you have read the code from darkness game?
  22. do you need a 1:1 map from original map? I just would use a painted heightmap (.raw or whatever) and draw dots for every unit onto the map by asking its position. the 2nd view solution will give you a nice performance drop and should only be used if you really need it (its worst case i guess)
  23. you dont have understand the syntax. you cant create a window with just saying FULLSCREEN Syntax: static Window* Create(const std::string& title="Leadwerks", int x=0, int y=0, int width=1024, int height=768, int style=Titlebar) --Create a window fullscreen self.window=Window:Create(title, x, y, w, h, Window.FullScreen) like HD self.window=Window:Create('MYWINDOW', 0, 0, 1920, 1080, Window.FullScreen) parameters can also be variables. which type you can see in the syntax description
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