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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. there are: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowcreate-r462 if you read the text it should be clear how to create a fullscreen.
  2. maybe you should ask the right questions if you have problems to create a fullscreen its just one line to edit. if you have your first coding experiences with leadwerks and lua try some tutorials to learn how you use lua in leadwerks.
  3. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=229684522 hey guys I saw this and was wondering how to do this. I created a simple day/night system by rotating a light but this is only visible for the shadows. The sun light looks pretty nice but I have no clue how to do this with functions from the api. can someone give me a tip/hint how to do this?
  4. thats related how your HP bar should look like. do you like a text based or an image based HP bar or maybe something completly different?
  5. dude, we dont can see into your brain. can you post a real question or a real problem? I dont know what you want here with this thread.
  6. mhmm thats what I have expected. is there a world editor like this for leadwerks out there? Axis Game Factory just have a unity exporter
  7. http://store.steampowered.com/app/253370/?snr=1_software_4__203 I´m thinking about to buy Axis Game Factory to create levels for leadwerks. I´m just a little bit scared about that I cant import my levels into leadwerks and if it looks like in the axis game factory editor, because I can create also lights and add e.g. tree models. anyone have a clue if I can use this with leadwerks?
  8. I dont get behind why you use laser.scale ? If laser is an entity try laser:SetScale(your vec3)
  9. I would draw a radius for every Building and every Unit and would detect collisions to avoid this. Or just use aabb
  10. you have to activate Post Effects for your Camera. Set the value to true
  11. 1. learn lua 2. try this 3. read this
  12. I also looking for something to do this.
  13. you can do this with openAL but as far as I know leadwerks have no functions in the API for this. I hope there will be coming some more audio functions soon.
  14. for the beginnung just open leadwerks and load the demos and play around. open App.lua and try to manipulate some stuff. for window manipulation there is the window class http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/
  15. ah nice, yeah I was looking for something like this, I forgot the AnimationManager I just used the functions from the API to load different sequences. I will take a look
  16. Hi guys, I´m working on some animations like walking, running, jumping, idle, shoot, etc If I use a sequence for every Animation I can seperate all frames for easy animation programming. Now I´m brainstorming about a solution how I can create a smooth transition between those animation sequences. e.g. My Character is walking and the loop starts and ends with the left foot on the ground. In a random frame the player now wants to run and the sequence for the run animation is played. The Problem here is that there is no transition between walking and running and the animation looks like there is something missing (animation between walking and running). Someone have a clue how to solve that problem?
  17. why dont just edit the shaders by yourself? this feature have to be hardcoded for every effect because every effect is different. sure its a nice feature for people who cant code but IMO if you want a customized post effect or shader just DIY
  18. where are the tesselation functions in the api?
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