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Everything posted by Imaginathingy

  1. Thanks Josh, that was the final piece after ChrisV and YouGroove set me straight on the Blender end.
  2. Didn't want the day to go by without at least saying thanks for the great feedback. It helps me feel more confident in the final steps, and some things to avoid. I know the Blender animation piece pretty well, but the export end is completely new to me. Still missing something, so I'm digging the Blender file to see if I can eliminate something there. If nothing comes of it I'll post an example file. Thanks again.
  3. I'm in the same boat. From some very helpful tutorials and posts from this community I've figured out how to export from Blender (although I may be off on some settings), import to Leadwerks (3.1 Indie), fix normals, and work with textures. I can see my model on stage and in the editor, but this animation thing just isn't flying. I've got a few questions in particular: 1) Can I use my Rigify animation/rig or not? 2) Do I select the armature object to export? 3) Does bone naming affect anything? 4) I've seen something about unchecking Default Take and Optimize Keyframes in the exporter settings and did that, but could someone post a shot of exporter settings that work for them? 5) Do I need to do something on the Leadwerks model editor end to make animations work there? Thanks in advance. Loving the tool and the active community so far!
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