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  1. I am importing models into editor and I want them look faceted and flat shaded, without smoothing. I have deleted vertex normal map before exporting and still it looks smoothed in Leadwerks. Will appreciate any help on this.
  2. I vote for optimization. Currently it rather poor and disappointing. I did mostly same as YouGroove - added 10 crawlers to tutorial map and got ~15 FPS on a decent PC (i5-3570K, HD6990 2Gb, 16GBRAM).
  3. Oh. Could anyone do emitter tutorial with some real examples please?
  4. I really would like to see tutorial on emitters and examples of creating various type of emitters like fire, smoke, sparks etc.
  5. Thank you for your reply. Not sure what you mean though. Where I should do this? Sorry for being retarded, I am only learning 3d workflow Once more, I have rigged animated model in .fbx format. I can open it in Modo and animation is there. In Leadwerks I import the model and engine creates .mdl file from it. I double click it and model editor opens. I can see all bones. Animation sequence has correct number of frames but animation intact is missing. I tried other models obtained from different sources and everytime I import them animation sequence is blank. I can email the model if that helps.
  6. Hi, I have low-poly rigged models with animation in .fbx. When I try to import them, animation sequence contains only empty keyframes. When I import them into Unity - everything is ok. Will appreciate any help.
  7. Is it possible to get a link to sources of Darkness Awaits demo please?
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