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  1. That would be great! If you will soon support Cyrillic, the CIS countries will probably be more interested in the engine.
  2. Export UNICODE-font engine possible? For text output. And how, if so?
  3. Can I use the Cyrillic font in the engine?
  4. Will realized after-effects? And how soon?
  5. Yes, I saw the value of other engines. Price is fine with me, but I thought that I can buy a license for the team
  6. This is sad. I thought for one indie team, only one license. And for three people spend so much money is meaningless.
  7. Thank you. It turns out that this is an indie single-user license. If three programmers that need to buy three licenses?
  8. Good afternoon. I want to buy Indie version of the engine. If I buy it through Steam, then will it be possible to work in the program on multiple computers to different people? P.S: Sorry for my bad English
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