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Everything posted by Michael_J

  1. Just a head's up to AMD users about PlayTV (I believe that's how it's deployed--through AMD driver updates?) PlayTV, beginning last night (an update I guess) suddenly caused ANY Leadwerks-based program (this included the Leadwerks Editor AND my game--Rogue System) to crash at random times during startup. If you suddenly start encountering a Leadwerks crash at startup, check if you have PlaysTV installed. If you do, remove it and all will be well. The telltale sign of this is the error details: Application Name: PFPX.exe Fault Module Name: ltc_game32-114279.dll So, Josh, THIS is what was causing the crash I was telling you about yesterday. Leadwerks Beta is fine...
  2. After adding the above directory and copying resourcelimits.h to it, I can build. But now I get an error for: 'Center' : is not a member of 'Leadwerks::Window'. You certainly didn't remove the ability to set the window to the center of the display, did you? Edit: also, since this update, seems like every so often the mouse cursor will not hide when it should. I haven't had a problem with this before, and I haven't touched any code that would affect this on my end. I'll open up a bug report about all this...
  3. Getting a cannot open include file error for glslang/standalone/resourelimits.h after this update, even though glslang is in my include directories Edit: Yeah, in my Steam Leadwerks, there is no glslang\StandAlone folder. ResourceLimits.h is in glslang\Include
  4. I don't really see where you expose the data needed to use Newton functions such as http://newtondynamics.com/wiki/index.php5?title=NewtonCollisionCollide Is there a way to at least get the NewtonBody pointer for a Leadwerks entity that has collision? This would then allow me to get the required information using other Newton functions such as http://newtondynamics.com/wiki/index.php5?title=NewtonBodyGetWorld Thanks
  5. Ah, that makes sense... Ok, is there any type that acts like a trigger (no physics response), but does perform a "regular" collision test (understanding the limitation that if one object is inside another the test would fail); or could one be added in short order? Namely, I'd like to do some VFX work where a collision occurs between two objects, but I don't want a physics reaction when this happens. Depending on the shapes of the objects, a ray test wouldn't always work for something like this...
  6. Can anyone else verify that a collision callback, when the response type is Trigger, only returns 0,0,0 for position and normal. Setting the response type to Collide returns expected results. I mean, even if the response is only a trigger, it should still be able to return at LEAST where the collision took place, yes?
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