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  1. Thank you, I really don't know what was happening before, I did everything correctly but I couldn't get movement, now I can. Thanks for your help.
  2. Thank you! That worked. Question is now, how do I apply it to a brand new project? Do I need to use MyGame as a basis each time? Sorry if that's a dumb question, just new to this kind of programming (Web Developer by trade). I prefer to follow whilst watching as well, I guess I just missed that I had tutorials already!
  3. Thank you, I will give it a try. UPDATE I have followed that tutorial up until 1:52 and I still cannot move round, I just hear footsteps, yet the example in the tutorial, he is able to move round and move the camera. What could I be doing wrong?
  4. Hi I have just bought this from Steam and I have no idea how to start. I feel dumb for asking this but how do you make it so you can move round the map? I have looked at tutorials on Youtube and none have led me to something that would work for me, the closest I got was that when I would press WASD, it made footstep sounds, but the camera didn't move. I realise that this is the pure basics but I am really stuck, I already have ideas for games but so far it isn't looking good! P.S. When starting a new project, I have no option for C++, only LUA. I know a bit of C++, but no LUA. P.P.S This was one of the tutorials I have been trying to follow. http://www.indiedb.com/engines/leadwerks-engine/videos/tutorial-fps-character-controller-in-leadwerks
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