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  1. Thanks Josh! Polygon density makes sense. I'll go bump it up in Blender. I'm excited to see those scans.
  2. I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it show up in the viewport or when running the game. The only place I actually see it is in the material editor and the preview in the assets window. I searched the documentation for an answer and couldn't find anything...
  3. True. Just want to make sure I RTFM'd first. So does the single plane answer also explain why I have perpetual smooth shading?
  4. That would explain it then. I kept them all as planes to keep the geometry down. Thank you for that! Is that in documentation somewhere? I try to not ask for help as much as possible, so if I missed some documentation I'd like to know.
  5. Crud. No luck. I wonder if it has something to do with the parented parts in the mesh? I'll try exporting the pieces indivdually from Blender and seeing if they'll line up, then generate phy files for each. (Thanks for showing me how to do that)
  6. Leadwerks 3.1 Indie I've looked for hours for a solution to these problems regarding a maze model I made in Blender and I can't find any, which means the solutions must be right under my nose. Problem one: I imported the maze model and I can't seem to set the physics correctly so that the player doesn't fall through the model. The model contains 3 pieces: floor, walls, and walls-top. I set each of them to rigid body and I have tried both Scene and Prop for collision type. Character is set to Rigid Body and collision type is Character. Proplem two: I can't seem to turn off smooth shading on the maze model. I have gone into Edit Model and calculated the normals as one video showed, but no dice. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. -Jesse
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