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Christian Clavet

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  1. Hi, Core! Seen that you use Blender. Found a tutorial Youtube on how to make them. Good work on your models they look really nice!
  2. Hi, No this is called "Ambient Occlusion". This will make a "shadow" texture where there some parts that are naturally occlude themselves. This is calculated from light coming from all direction as it was coming from the ambient light. I use often a "skylight" in 3DS Max to simulate this. Here is a picture so you can see better what is a AO map: Some engines are using shaders to try to simulate this: SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion). I don't know if these shaders are available. If not you could bake if from your 3D modeling application.
  3. That's great! You almost have recreated the "physic wires" of Hammer there! It's a feature I'm missing a lot. Could it work with a chain texture? The only big downside is that Leadwerks cannot run a script segment in edit mode that would show you what you're doing.
  4. Hi, for generating terrain, I would not use randomized data. You could use function like voronoi noise that is based on fractals. Then the user data would be a modifier over that generated noise. I think they use an approach similar to this in No Man's sky to generate the planets and the terrain. So if you would be doing a multiplayer game over that terrain, everybody would see the same thing.
  5. Hi! Good news for the new engine, and keep up the work! Do you plan to have the new engine have it's own editor later, when the framework is made stable and most of the required features? Unfortunately I will never subscribe to anything. Dropped Adobe the minute they switched to this, and decided to use Krita and Manga studio instead of Photoshop... If you would later on, offer like for payments for a full year (5$ month x 12 = 60$), and pay for renewal, I would take this immediately! That's the only way I accepted to join and play with my friends on Eve Online. For me the problem with subscriptions and my low income, is that something could happen and I would be in problems. Paying "per year", would allow me to pay when I have sufficient funds and stay in control. Since Adobe, Autodesk, and others drive from way of transaction, it's really good idea to try this out. It just that this mode of payment is not for me.
  6. Please try also to look at your skinning weights. Something look strange there. There could be an issue on the skin weights on your model. If you export the model without any bones and skin it should not do this.
  7. I've got a lot of trouble using an old project when I updated last time. Started a new project fixed a lot of problems... With a new project I don't have the crash now.
  8. Cool! I will have to prepare more then for the next game tournament. For networking, you could check on "nat traversal method" (similar term as punch thru), that consist of the client to maintain the connection with the server. I looked a little about the theory about this for making SIP phone connecting correctly thru a router without having to do port redirection. Enjoy your trip there!
  9. Thanks for the info. I was not aware of this. So the scale distortion would probably come from the first reference frame. If you can do a test, remove all skinning and animation on the model, reset it again and do a test export to see if it maintain the scale. Then if it's ok, continue from there: Apply skinning (don't touch the first frame), the export before making any animation. If it still maintain, continue with the animation. (Keep a safe copy of the skinned model, and reuse it for each animation or animations)
  10. Thanks for posting your solution... I had a glitch with the script editor once, but never like that.
  11. You can animate the scale of your bones in the animations. Can you check your animation track and see if there are keys in the scale channel? I've seen that it's better that you have your reference pose with skinning untouched at the first frame. If you tweak the first frame, you could have a bad reference frame and get bogus values coming in, but that depend on how the importer will treat the data... As another note, if you had reset the transformations AFTER doing the skinning and animations could get problematic...
  12. Sometimes files get locked, and a computer reboot fix the problem by releasing the file lock. Is that what fixed your problem?
  13. Hi. I think you forgot to reset the transformations of your model BEFORE exporting. All the "root" items of a model need to have their rotation and scale reset before exporting. Have you done this?:
  14. Hi. The spline tool is MORE than useful! If Josh would add a new LUA/C++ method so you can put "editor" stuff in there (called in editor mode) and have an enabler in the menu (like VIEW menu -> enable editor scripts), then you would be able to have scripts interacting with the editor and even use the new GUI. That would be something I would like to have! There is a lot of use for having "scripted sequences" in any game! The only other method of doing that is doing it inside a 3D Application and create an animation using bones. If you move anything, you have to redo the whole animation. Doing it inside the editor is much more easier and less error prone! I was looking how they were doing "Star war Trilogy arcade" and it surely used spline paths to make move the ships and create the cutscenes, if you look closely, the user is able to "move" a little in offset on that spline path when he's targetting... So yes, I'm really interested to buy this script. I really enjoyed watching at all your videos! Thanks!
  15. Wow. If this get fixed, with the proper shader, we could also use it for a a river tool by animating the UV texture (from what I see this is only possible by creating a shader for a material).. I'll try to bookmark this thread.
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