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    The Matrix

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  1. MaD2ko0l really appreciate that! Works great, not I have something I can break down and figure out. And I hear ya, I've been feeling a bit of buyers remorse on my end, but that's on me and I will keep at it. beo6 thx much, I'll check these out later today.
  2. Yeah I'm feeling really dumb here and I have to admit it's getting a bit frustrating... there really isn't a beginner friendly path here and as much as I want to learn I'm not sure where to look.... Having to strip out existing code and plug it in places isn't working like traditional scripting for me, I'm just basically trying to do something similar to this https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Tutorial:Hamster_Ball nothing fancy, just translate an object based on a key press, I simply want to drop a sphere on a plane and move it left, right, up and down. I thank you guys for dropping in and trying to help, but it really isn't clear for a new user. The tutorial I linked, is clear concise and I can read and understand it fully, it's also written in Lua but doesn't work 1:1 with Leadwerks.
  3. Hiya, just watched your Lua Tut Aggror in its entirety and learned quite a bit http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/introduction-to-lua-r19 . Honestly this is the type of tutorials that should be up front and center for new users such as myself. We definitely need more tutorials such as this one to ease users into LUA and Leadwerks together, which is important imo as the syntax changed a bit from the version this tutorial was created from http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8256-documentation/page__hl__mood Please more like this! Thanks
  4. Yup I definitely understand this, it was the same in Unity as well, but unfortunately there's no prebuilt scripts for player movement aside from the FPS controller... I did try the TPS script but nothing showed in the Script fields. I'll actually try that again here.
  5. Yeah this is going to take some work, especially for me to understand the way Lua works. I usually have no problems experimenting with new languages, but looking at the script you posted Aggror, it actually looks like a self contained scene if you know what I mean? It creates everything in the scene, I just really want to have a script that I place on an object/character and have it translate/move around with WASD. Then I can build on that. Ok so if I were to use the script you posted Aggror, how do I implement it? Doesn't appear to be a script to place on an existing model.... really confused here. >_>
  6. Whereabouts can one find the Darkness demo? Would love to rifle through that!
  7. Thx Kavex and Rick! Actually just found Aggror user guide http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/437-leadwerk-30-user-guide-pdf/ and it's proving useful as well. Growing pains ....
  8. Thx! I did look at this earlier, but it's confusing for a beginner like me since he's using an existing script. I'm sure someone here can show a very basic method for users such as myself to get familiar. I'll keep trying though, I'll see if I can strip some of the code out myself.
  9. Anxious to get going, I was wondering if anyone has LUA resources that would be applicable to Leadwerks? Or does any site teaching LUA would work? As a note I found that even some of the older scripts don't run as expected in 3.1. So any guidance would be appreciated. Thx!
  10. Hiya, just purchased Leadwerks and I'm excited to get going, but being new to both the engine and LUA means a lot of growin pains, so I'm asking the helpful community here for some help to get started. I'm focused on creating a 2.5d prototype and would like to start very slow, first thing I would love to know is how can I move a character with WASD or game pad with the ability to run & jump... No animations at this point. I'll start a thread later to document my progress for myself and others who are heading the same direction. Thx
  11. I'm just starting out a simple 2.5 D project I had in prelim mode with Unity and would love to really start slow... - Need help with moving a character using WASD or gamepad, with ability to jump and run (not animation focused at this time, just simple movements, think a cube) - Numbers 5,6,7,10 from MisterGravity's list for sure
  12. Great thanks guys, was looking in the wrong area... Project Manager >_>
  13. Hi all, just purchased my copy this am and very amped to dig in. I wanted to try the sample FPS project but realized it wasn't included? (Or any for that matter) What about Darkness Awaits? That one would be especially useful for me since it's closer to the game idea I have. Any help would be appreciated.
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