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  1. I agree, and while its not a true "bug", it could be considered a logic error. This is my first time using Leadwerks, so I don't know if cancelling was actually a feature in earlier versions or it new and has not be implemented. BTW, does Microsoft have thread support added to their standard? I know they are behind on their complier and don't have all the C++11 standard implemented like lambdas. Poor Lambdas...
  2. So I have to choose between the two, and currently its better to go with the Steam version?
  3. The Leadwerks 3.1 Indie edition on Windows there is a bug while publishing. When you go to the project manager and click publish you are unable to cancel the publish command or exit the window and the window locks down with no way to stop it until its done publishing.
  4. Hello, I backed Leadwerks through Kickstarter. First of all, I want to say thank you very much for helping bring game development to Linux and thank you for all the work that has gone into bug fixes and excellent the support I have seen so far. Can't wait for that Intel Backport! Second, I backed on the Pro Backer level, will the people that backed it from that level get an upgrade from the Indie Version to the Standard Version on Steam or do we get an standalone once it comes to Windows/Mac? Thank you.
  5. For the Leadwerks evaluation kit may I use it for educational purposes(if it comes back for 3.1)?
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