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  1. I changed it to Arial. (I got the code off the internet) The code added to fpsplayer: Script.hudFont = nil self.hudFont = Font:Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf",20) if self.hudFont~=nil then context:SetFont(self.hudFont) context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) local fontHeight = self.hudFont:GetHeight() local hudText = "Health: "..self.health local x = 0 local y = context:GetHeight() - fontHeight context:DrawText(hudText, x, y) The code added to app.lua: self.font = Font:Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf",10)
  2. I don't get how to make the controller (fps because I don't know any other way to do it) stay still and not move at all during the main menu. I also don't know how to make the mouse appear during the main menu to click the button on the main menu. If possible I also want the button on the main menu to glow etc. When I hover over it with my mouse. Last thing is how do I add images to my HUD I figured out how to make text appear but how do I make images appear? I'm sorry if this is too much to ask. EDIT: I forgot to ask that I added a custom font into the font folder but it doesn't seem to work when I add it to the code, so if I could get a little help on that too that'd be nice testing out the flowgui
  3. How do we make a main menu, a custom HUD, and make the main menu function so that it loads the map/options?
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