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Everything posted by martyj

  1. It's not a memory issue. Your task manager reports memory used in RAM, not video ram.(Although in your case it's the same thing, but not as far as the OS is concerned). 1 GB of ram is a ton of memory for your game to be using. If I had to guess, I would say the issue could be a driver issue. I know that AMD drivers are a pain to work with as far as development goes.
  2. It was copy/paste. Googling it pulls up this thread. http://newtondynamics.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8732 From looking at Newton Dynamics, it only allows a maximum of 512 faces per a mesh. I assume this is the navmesh generated with "BuildNavMesh" functionality.
  3. I'm getting the following error. I believe it's coming from Newton Dynamics library that leadwerks is using. I was wondering if anyone has came across this error or knows any reason as to what could be the issue.
  4. martyj


    Kudos for your water. It is something I found difficult while trying to implement it in OpenGL. Will we be allowed to use tesselation and geometry shaders to provide waves since your water won't be having any?
  5. I would say something that would make development easier would be allowing user submitted code samples sort of how php.net does. Allows for a more fuller documentation. My biggest challenge as of yet is integrating LUA and C++. Mostly because the interpreter class doesn't have any documentation on it. to_lua++ doesn't have very clear documentation as well.
  6. I have all my answers. Thank you everyone.
  7. Guppy, you're my hero. Any idea how to pass a C++ context to Lua? I'd like to be able to draw in either C++ or Lua. Same with window.
  8. I have been trying to integrate LUA and C++ in the same project and I keep running into roadblock that require more of my code to be re-written in C++. I was wondering if anyone has managed to get C++ and Lua to be able to do things like draw to the screen. From what I can see, everything is either written in all C++ or everything is all written in Lua with C++ just setting up an interpreter. Does anyone have any experience/examples/documentation on the Interpreter class?
  9. Thanks for the feedback guys. I will try Rick's suggestion. It should work without any problems.
  10. This object should be an Entity type considering how I am calling my C code from Lua. Unless I am passing the params wrong, the string passes correctly.
  11. I have an Entity object passed from lua code via lua_touserdata int Binder::RegisterClass(lua_State* L) { Entity* entity = (Entity*)lua_touserdata(L, 1); const char* className_cstr = lua_tostring(L, 2); string className(className_cstr); Vec3 posit = entity->GetPosition(); } The Lua code that calls this C code function Script:Start() WorldFactions.RegisterClass(self.entity, "AnimatedModel"); end I get an access violation on the line that is Vec3 posit = entity->GetPosition(); Below is a screenshot of the breakpoint on the same line before execution.
  12. I was wondering if anyone has any information on how we can add to the leadwerks lua library? From what I gather, leadwerks uses toLua++ to create its lua library. With toLua++ you can create custom libraries that add aditional functionality to lua, but how can we do this inside the leadwerks inviroment? What I want to do is to add a function on the Entity object to be able to regsiter the object for aditiional C++ code. Thanks, Marty
  13. Yea, I was thinking the same thing. Creating my own vegitation creation and saving that data to a fie.
  14. I think your question might be related to mine. Basically you have entities in the map that you wish to use c++ code with. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11361-inheritance-and-entity-objects/ Here is the solution that I came up with. Create classes in C++ for your entity. Have the classes use Hooks http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/object/ Using ToLua++, you can create a Lua function to assign your entity to a class that has an entity property. http://lua-users.org/wiki/BindingCodeToLua
  15. Ok, I see one problem fixed. Using Hooks you can recieve the in game-events from the engine. How do I take an entity in LE3's map and easily tie it to a class? The only thing I can think of is creating a ToLua++ function to register an object to a native class. Can anyone thing of a better way? Thanks for the input everyone.
  16. Aggor's tutorial is for LE2 if I recall his video correctly.
  17. Make sure you can see the animation by editing the model in leadwerks. You should see something in the animation tab when you right click and select "edit" on the model in the Assets view. In order to animate when running your map you need to set the script to animate the model. There is a test animation script named SimpleAnimation.lua in Scripts/Objects/Animations/
  18. That's what I was thinking. .
  19. I was wondering if anyone knows how to do vegitation in LE3? Everything I search for about vegitation is only about LE2.
  20. How can I reference custom classes in the GUI editor? I don't want code to initalize objects at positions. It would be better to use the GUI editor for object positioning.
  21. I was wondering how we could use inheritance with the Entity class to allow code re-use For example, I have an animaited model, (a Knight) I have another animated model, (a Bat) I want the Knight and Bat to have a few functions to start animations, a generic drawing, ect. I want the Knight and Bat to also have seperate functions as well such as the Bat will Fly(), where as the Knight will Walk(). How could I tie a leadwerks Entity with a custom overloaded class to handle the comonalities of these two objects, but also allow for the unique functions for their class. I should mention I'd like to be abe to add these Entities with the GUI editor. Basically in C++ I want to have something like this: class AnimatedModel : Entity { public: void StartAnimation(Sequence, Duration, Loop, DistanceBased); } class Knight : AnimatedModel { public: void Walk(); } class Bat : AnimatedModel { public: void Fly(); } Using ToLua++ these could be callable in Lua.
  22. Is there seomthing in code we can do to fix this? I've tried applying rotations before calling Entity::GoToPoint and it still moves the model facing backwards. For some reason 3ds Max is having errors when I try to import my model, so I can't seem to just rotate it on my own.
  23. I was wondering if Standard Edition projects can be used with the Indy Edition? I want to buy the standard edition so I can use the C++ features, but I have some friends working on a project with me who don't program so the Indy edition is all the features they would need, but I would like them to be able to work with projects modifed with the Standard Edition, even run them. Will this work? Or will I have to upgrade everyone to Standard edition in order to get C++ features for myself?
  24. Apparently it's randomly working again without me doing anything. Weird.
  25. I am unable to open any of the popup windows in leadworks. Edit script button does nothing. Settings button does nothining. I am using leadwerks 3.3 on windows 7. Anyone know a fix? Thanks, Marty
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