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Everything posted by martyj

  1. Posting this information for me later: If I need to re-write the Character Controller, this will help with navigation. https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/7902-navmesh-findpath/
  2. I'm having CPU problems with Leadwerks in that when I use a bunch of Character Controllers for AI (Around 130) the game lags really bad. What can I do performance wise to allow me to have a few thousand Character Controllers at once? My render time is about 19-21. Update time is around 520 Batch Size: Around 580 Running through a profiler NewtonDynamicsSimulation::Update uses majority of the processing time. CharacterController::AlignToGround is what looks to be like it is using a ton of CPU. My batch size is about the same with and without the extra Character Controllers.
  3. With the new released version of Leadwerks Enterprise targeted towards simulation and VR, I think it would be beneficial for the expansion of this if Leadwerks supported Python. It would be similar to how LE does Lua. You could use Swig to generate the python classes. http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Python.html#Python_nn10 I know from experience that Python is heavily used in the physics world. It's the only language they teach in my Computational Physics degree. If it's as easy as swig looks, would be a good way to produce more sales IMO.
  4. Force = Mass * Acceleration. If you AddForce, you basically add an acceleration of Force/Mass. Newtons is the correct units for Force. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton_(unit) The output should be in m/s^2. So (kg*m)/s^2 = Force. Divided by Mass (kg) You get (kg*m)/(s^2*kg) Equals m/s^2
  5. If you hosted with AWS as well, you could clone the whole server image with the click of a button. AWS is expensive though IMO. I have my stuff hosted with Linode. 2 VMs. 1 for the websites, the other for the game server. If you really wanted to get crazy, you could setup hosting in two different data centers having your database replicated between them. Then if something goes down you can just switch DNS over to the 2nd data center.
  6. It is a CSG Box. Good to know this is why I cannot find it.
  7. The entity that cannot be found is a Box. The entity that can b e found is a Pivot I've updated my sample to reflect the topic. I wrote my own FindEntity function to try to see if there is a bug in the World's FindEntity. It just loops through the world entities calling World::GetEntity(n) and compares the name. Both my version and the LE version have the same problem, I'd imagine they are along the same lines of code.
  8. After deleting that entity it drops the count to 413. I wonder if the name isn't setting correctly.
  9. Here is the list of entities in my world https://imgur.com/a/tPRa6 When I run the following code in Lua, it returns NULL local world = World:GetCurrent() CaveIn2_ATrappedMiner.boundingBox = world:FindEntity("EndAsdfgwg") if CaveIn2_ATrappedMiner.boundingBox == nil then System:Print("Null bounding box") return end When I run the following code it returns the Entity as expected CaveIn2_ATrappedMiner.rubble = world:FindEntity("Rubble") When I loop through all the entities and print their name, EndAsdfgwg isn't listed in the World Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?
  10. One thing to take note is that libcurl implementation with Leadwerks does not support HTTPS at the moment. Which means anyone running wireshark can see your traffic.
  11. Are you wrapping your definitions in #extern "C"{ }? Would be cool to use something like Golang with Leadwerks. Performance might suck, but it would be worth a shot IMO.
  12. Any suggestions on how I can fix the rotation issue in this video?
  13. Does this mean we can have an animated loading screen now?
  14. Purchased. It was really hard to find the item in the shop. Viewing the workshop only shows "curated" items, and not items to be purchased. You have to navigate to the Leadwerks steam Store page, then find the item on that.
  15. I think I see what's going on. It looks like when you resize the screen via Leadwerks Options menu, it doesn't resize the context. So it draws a 1280x720 image on the context, then upscales to 1920x1080, which makes it blurry?
  16. In the Leadwerks Editor, when I hide a parent object, it sets "Hidden" to true on all the child objects. In code, when I set the parent object to Show() all the children do not show. I would expect the Parent object to be Hidden() == true, but the child elements to have Hidden() == false. That way when I call Show(), I don't have to recurse through the children.
  17. Any idea on when this will be released and for how much? I think it would be cool to make rivers with this.
  18. You could also make animated characters easily using Daz3D. It's free too.
  19. Minecraft's early days got kind of ****ed by pay-pal. They had a cash withdraw limit. You could do your own credit card processing and subscription through Stripe. https://stripe.com/ It's fairly easy to implement. Fees are only like 3-5%.
  20. I've updated the lua code to the actual Lua code, not just psudocode. The code "Runs" but nothing is printed to the console. If I run Interpreter::EvaluateString(std::string("System:Print(\"Test\")")); This will print to the console. I haven't ran it through a Lua debugger to see if ARudeAwakening::Main() gets called or not.
  21. I'm working on customizing quests with Lua to be more dynamic. I'd like to be able to define a lua program via a lua file, load it via Interpreter::EvaluateFile. After loading the file, I'd like to be able to call a "Main" function inside the file. Something similar to the following: ----- Scripts/Quests/ARudeAwakening.lua ARudeAwakening = {} function ARudeAwakening:Main() System:Print("Main loaded") App.Quests.ARudeAwakening = self end function ARudeAwakening:UpdateWorld() System:Print("Logic Stuff") end ---- C++ Interpreter::EvaluateFile(std::string("Scripts/Quests/ARudeAwakening.lua")); Interpreter::EvaluateString(std::string("ARudeAwakening:Main()")); How can I get something like this to work?
  22. When viewing the water edge at a large distance, the edge shows as black. The camera distance is set as follows: double y = (worldSize/2) * Math::Tan(this->camera->GetFOV()/2); this->camera->SetPosition(Vec3(0, y, 0)); Map Size is 2048
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