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  1. When I apply a normal material to the mat file and then click save it turns my normal map texture black in the window. I tried this with different projects and it keeps does the same thing. This never happened before and seems to have started after a couple of updates. I have already updated the projects but it keeps doing it. Am I the only one getting this? EDIT: Hmmm I might of fixed it but I had to open the normal map file again and change the pixel to smooth and it fixed it. I guess it's at pixel for default....
  2. It shouldn't be that hard to get a steam account. If you're having trouble reading the words you can refresh it for a new one. You're going to want a steam account down the road....
  3. I'll be honest I really don't see the Oculus Rift hitting it off like everyone else thinks it will. This is just my honest opinion and maybe I'm completely wrong. I just don't feel gamers are ready to put this thing on their head and play for long periods of time without getting a head ache (or their neck hurting from moving it) that seems to plague using it. I'd give it 2 more years and if they can get the size of the unit to a google glass size I could see it working....
  4. Thankyou Groove... That answered both questions..
  5. I found this while looking up videos on leadwerks. Is this in the current Steam version? Couldn't find it. I also have a question about inporting models with one normal texture and the other a transparent texture like a lightbulb or glass. I'm using maya and wondering how that's done to export it correctly. I've done it with Unreal with no problems but still learning Leadwerks methods of model exporting.
  6. Thanks! Yeah no tags for glowing textures
  7. I tried to do a search beforehand and it came up with nothing on glowing textures. Anyone have info on this? I tried to study the cagelight that has a glowing red texture but can't get my light bulb to glow. Any help? thanks
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