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  1. Okay! It was just a joke for 1st April! I did not know that you celebrate this pagan holiday. In order to assure you that it was not a joke and that is real, I'll write this message again tomorrow!
  2. Thank you all for the question especially to Josh with the link http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey that clarified me. But, I still have no answer to my Request and my first Question about LUA encoding. About Offline DOC, I need this, because sometimes, I want to learn offline, not online. About Lua Encryption. I want to know if I'll be forced to buy a packger software for secure my game and I think that this will be ver frustrating for me. This means that I'll paied a little more for Leadwerks 3. For example, if I paied for LE3 almost 100Eur + 50-60Eur for a packger software, I will really consider that I'll paied to Leadwerks 3, as an emend. I'm not mischievous, but this situation sounds like an emend! For example, I bought a software called: ShaderMap 2, but I did not consider this as an emend, because I know that this is not an obligatory tool to be included in Leadwerks 3. Otherwise, everything is ok, so I'm happy with Leadwerks!
  3. I own now GT630. GT220 was my old video card. I mean to players, to buyers that own video cards under GT 600 series.
  4. Hello all, Finally, I succeeded to buy Leadwerks : Indie Edition. My first impressions are good! I have not any inconvenience! But, I've few Requests + few Questions. I will try not to bother you too much or nagging. Here we go! By the way, It would be great if I will receive a response from Josh! Requests Please provide me the entire documentation offline in CHM or HTML format Questions 1. It will be and when it will be implemented LUA encryption? 2. From what I understand, LE 3.1 requires DX11 to run, but the game exported and compiled, requires the same? What I mean is that there, on steam, are a plenty of games that have a super 3D graphics and not requires DX11. For example, with my video card, the older ones, My old card GT220, now I own GT630, I was able to play almost of all games like Bioshock 2 or QUBE. So, the game exported and compiled, requires the same DX11 or run fine on DX10? 3. I tried to set 32x MSAA but the game worked in interruptions, it's not enough my GT 630 for this? Or I wrote the code in a LUA wrong file? So, how to activate this 32x MSAA? This is it! Thanks in advice!
  5. TNX! So, this will be available.. This is just I want to hear. I'm not hurry, but I thought that only the C++ version has and will have these effects.
  6. Hi again, I just wonder about few functions and I don't want to start a new topic, I want to ask here. It's possibile to set: SetGodRays with LE3 Indie Edition using LUA? I make a refference to Framework functions from here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/command-reference/framework/setgodrays-r197'>http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/command-reference/framework/setgodrays-r197 and from here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/command-reference/framework/
  7. I'll have the money in 3-5 days, so, I only play a little bit with LUA using an existing project. I'll buy it! About save game, I know, I want to save only the information about game, not all changes that was made by player during the gameplay, but this is not impossibile, with a huge save/load system with many strings, but it's a waste of time..! At least, Thanks a lot for your upcoming tutorial. I'll be very interested for Save/Load gamestate using LUA.
  8. Rick, Many thanks! I just want to save the current map/level and player position. I saw on DOC about WriteFile Lua, but I can't figure out how to get map/level and player position and then re-load. By the way, It may sound funny, but I try to learn LE3 without own it. I found a little solution to fo this. I found few projects here on this website that contains LUA and I changed some codes and it was fun!
  9. Only one question has remained: 1. Can I save / load game state with indie edition without C++?
  10. I've got an ideea! I want to put few questions before buy, this can helps me a lot! 1. Can I save / load game state with indie edition without C++? ( 100% Solved ) @Rick will make a tutorial about this. Thanks! 2. Can I create a GUI / Menu for my game with indie edition without C++? ( 100% Solved ) FlowGUI free 0.3.1 - Link: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/456-flowgui-free/ 3. Can I create a Standalone EXE with indie edition without C++? ( 100% Solved ) Yes, LE2 export EXE without C++ 4. Can I create also for Linux / OSX with indie edition without C++? ( 100% Solved ) Linux/OSX support is coming so yes in the future. 5. Can I create Indirect Lighting, or Light Texture? ( 100% Solved ) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/459-subsurface-shader/ This is it!
  11. Thanks for replying! So, I'll buy it at my own risk! That's not good, but anyway....
  12. Hello, All time when I want to buy a software item, I want to test it before buy. Unfortunately, there does not exist a demo / trial version, but I insist and I will buy Indie Edition from Steam. From videos that I have seen, everything seems to be ok and also as I wished. But if, however, I am not satisfied with this software, can I get the money back? I suspect that you'll categorize this message as stupid, but still, this software is not only cost $10 or $20, it cost over $100, so, I don't want to throw more than $100 on the window. For example, I can sense that I do not expect this software to have quality graphics as UDK 3. I have seen videos and I saw the quality of the graphics of this game engine, but if there's still hiding something, I'm talking about something that only after testing the software you see... Please note that I am satisfied with the graphics quality of this software, from what I've seen in videos. I hope you understand me!
  13. Hello, When Steam API for Achievements & Cards will be available? I mean for LUA version without C++. Have a nice day!
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