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  1. I have been creating a simple HUD for player stats display and weapon stats display. This is just playing around learning the systems involved, not for any specific gameplay model. I would like to consolidate all the HUD code into a single script instead of having some code in Player.lua, some code in weapon.lua, etc, and then just call a repaint or update function from the requisite player or weapon script. How would one go about doing this? Does 'importing' or 'requiring' a script duplicate that entire script inside the importing script or just allow access to its functions and variables?
  2. It still begs the question of whether those of us who purchased the Steam version should have the developer title or not.
  3. Thank you very much DudeAwesome. I appreciate the quick and helpful response. Works great! Now back to learning! Maybe years of Lua for World of Warcraft mods will come in handy.
  4. Working my way through tutorials, but hoping to get an answer to this question before diving too far: How do I tell the game/demos to launch full screen instead of windowed mode? I found some Lua code in a search to do this, but I do not know where to place this line of code. The editor is still arcane to me, I cannot find how to open the Script Editor and I do not know where to put the code anyway. Normally I would keep following the tutorial flow, but windowed mode annoys me too much to continue using it if I can shortcut this part of the learning process.
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