You used the UAK app to generate a new project, which searches for the Steam directory and adds the Include folder of all the header files by creating a macro called $(UltraEnginePath). Of course my Steam and UAK path is different to yours, so I couldn't run your solution.
But, I have included and linked GLEW and GLM for you. As I said above though, follow the tutorial (I mean really read it) and you'll see the process from end-to-end and it will work. I know for a non-programmer this is probably a very confusing process, but linking and including libraries in to a project is a fairly trivial task.
Anyway, I have zipped up your project. I have no idea if you were having issues with the UltraEngine.h file in your .cpp file. If you weren't then this will run. I also set up your bin and bin-int paths too so that when you build your project, your solution/project directory won't get cluttered with a ton of files.
If ... for whatever reason, this project doesn't build. I really, really, really ... really, would recommend taking the time to read the blog above. Take your time reading it, digest it, and follow the steps.