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Everything posted by SlipperyBrick

  1. @YouGroove. After messing around and recalculating the normals it was me being stupid again. I was putting in the wrong value for the normal angle. Here is where the tunnels meet: The models need a bit more fixing up but pretty cool results. I got a lot more models to make but with this problem out of the way its one less thing for me to clean up Nick has done some sick stuff in regards to programming and starting with our game play mechanics, I will get another blog done for the progress we have made
  2. Hi Guys, So I am working on the art for myself and Nick's project. I am running into some problems when using the 'diffuse+normal+specular+displacement.shader' on our models. The results are brilliant but I am noticing that when I have my height map loaded into the displacement slot for the materials, our models seams (or edges rather) are very visible. Here is a screenshot: We are building our map in a modular fashion just to make it easier to build the level. How can we get rid of these tremendous gaps between our models. All models snap to the grid perfectly so nothing is 'offset'. Any advice or help would be much appreciated
  3. Defo sounds much more easier, the main reason I am modelling is really for practice but I do want to get things going with this game. Maby this way would be better to get the main elements of the game done visually so I can focus on gameplay. I could get a prototype done much quicker and get some feedback on it, after that I can focus on the visuals.
  4. Ok here is a screenshot from Leadwerks of the modular components I have so far. Not a lot right now and the UV's need a lot of work so the textures are all seamless I am currently working on more. Just trying to plan how to build certain parts. This is how the majority of the models are going to be made, so each one can join up nicely to make a seamless level. Right now the pivot points are set at 0, 0, 0. I think this is probably how I am going to keep it. I was thinking of using a boolean type operation on the models so both ends of the model will have a 'true' or 'false' value so only 'true' will match up with 'true' and vice versa, the more I think about this though the more problems I think it may cause. I am probably going to work up some artwork for promotion and get my project a 'Greenlight' concept page on Steam so I can add it to the game database here on Leadwerks. I am thinking of starting a blog here also, everything is still heavily WIP but I am hoping to have the majority if not all of the models done pretty soon
  5. Just found this interesting paper on the control of content for procedural generation. It goes in to some nice detail from a designers perspective. Not a lengthy paper either, good for some light reading if anyone is interested https://graphics.tudelft.nl/Publications-new/2013/LLB13a/designingprocedurally.pdf
  6. I have a question in regards to this (probably a stupid one) can you make your own layouts, buttons, sliders etc in something like Illustrator and then use FlowGUI inside Leadwerks? I still need to look into this although it looks very very good and useful. Not sure how it works exactly though but $10
  7. Hey Einlander I totally missed your post. To answer your question, yes. All models are pretty much constructed with walls, floors, ceilings already. They all piece together as you say 'like a jigsaw'. I will post screenshots later today so you guys can see the way I have made the models. Pivot points are all centred on the models at 0, 0, 0. I unfortunately had to start all over again with this project, I bought a laptop about a week ago (girlfriend complains about me being glued to my desktop and not spending time with her lol.) I thought I had backed up the whole project to my Dropbox, so I removed the project from my desktop and then realized I didn't back up the project so I lost everything I started making the assets again they are pretty much the same as what I had, I have about 4 of them so far, I am trying to plan ahead before making more. The map is going to be a train station very similar to the 'London Underground' so corridors and platforms and big spaces for ticket machines and benches etc are going to be done but I am thinking how I can break things up so the procedural generation stuff brings back interesting results for different variations of the map and also works everytime, predictability is my objective with this I am researching into the 'preparation' of PGC and the thinking behind how the models should be constructed, the way I am currently doing it from what I have seen seems to be the usual way it is done (if that makes any sense lol). Screenshots will defo come later today though, I am probably going to need a lot of help on this so expect some nagging from me guys
  8. Looking forward to the new documentation, especially the lua tutorials. Very excited! xD
  9. Having puddles is something I really want to do as well. I don't think that this is possible with the water in Leadwerks.
  10. Hey guys, I will put up some screenshots of the assets and prefabs. I haven't yet started the script, I have been reading through Flexman's blog of one method he uses to do this but it isn't what I am looking for. I will start a blog and get some screenshots up of what I have so far though for you guys too see. I think I am gonna need the help to be honest
  11. I would like something like this. I want small puddles on the floors in game. Right now I don't think this can be done, my whole game is an indoor game and the level is going to have multiple floors so right now I can't use any water effects.
  12. I am looking at making a PCG script that will generate a level using prefabs of modular components. I am trying to figure out the logic behind this of how the script is going to work but I am running short of ideas. I actually only have one method on how to do this which I read up on a forum. The thread can be found here http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/structuring-procedural-level-generation.279680/ This method was on the Unity forums. I am looking to see if anyone else has some idea's or methods they would want to share on how to do something like this? I am struggling to get started Cheers.
  13. Big thanks to macklebee. It turns out the issue was with my UV map in Maya LT. I was combining my models together into one model which was effectively removing the UV's for my corridor model.
  14. Good news about the shader stuff. I have been trying to learn it for awhile now. I think a really simple start on the shader stuff would be cool. Nothing advanced, start it from the point of view of assuming the users knows nothing about shaders, that would be pretty sweet. Looking forward to the tutorials! xD
  15. I am trying to make some prefabs of my modular components. I have a prefab inside Maya LT and I multiple material ID's for this prefab so different materials can be placed on their appropriate surfaces. Whenever I export from Maya LT and start to assign the material's to their surfaces in the 'Model Viewer' in Leadwerks, my first material goes on fine, my second material doesn't. This is also the same for every other surface I try to assign a material too. Am I missing something in Maya LT? Or am I doing something wrong in Leadwerks? http://i.imgur.com/fwjZVgv.png You can see in the above screenshot that my materials have gone onto the right surfaces and everything is fine. http://i.imgur.com/XYGHZFp.png In the above screenshot on the new 'prefab' mesh, the only material that seems to be assigning properly is on the light which is on 'Surface 0'. Any help on this would be appreciated because I am going to be having a lot of modular components in my game so prefabs are important for my level Cheers,
  16. Yes very nice. Sorry I judged lol. Great work. Two questions, how did you get such nice results, if it was with shaders did you modify them in anyway? Also, what is your frame rate like when running this scene?
  17. Very cool stuff. I don't know if this is actually in Leadwerks though. How did you do the lighting? Looks like you are using IES profiles for some of you're lights.
  18. Awesome problem solved. Thanks again macklebee!
  19. Is it possible to change the name of my project without breaking anything? In my project manager and the folder for the project the name is something I don't want it to be. I did change the project name from the folder and this just broke everything. Is there any other way? Thanks
  20. After working on this for the majority of the day and trying to familiarize myself with the Lua stuff again. This is what I have so far. function Script:Start() local window = Window:GetCurrent() --self.camera = players camera --self.entity = temporary box to use for player movement --creates a camera in the scene and parents to the entity self.camera = Camera:Create(self.entity) --sets the type of the object to player self.entity:SetKeyValue("type", "player") local mass = self.entity:GetMass() if self.entity:GetMass() == 0 then Debug:Error("Player mass should be greater than 0.") end --gets the entity position local entpos = self.entity:GetPosition(true) --sets the camera height self.camera:SetPosition(entpos.x, entpos.y + 3.5, entpos.z, true) --sets the camera rotation variable self.camrotation = self.entity:GetRotation(true) self.camera:SetRotation(self.camrotation, true) mousex = Math:Round(window:GetWidth()/2) mousey = Math:Round(window:GetHeight()/2) end function Script:UpdateWorld() local window = Window:GetCurrent() --gets the position of the mouse local mouseposition = window:GetMousePosition() window:SetMousePosition(mousex, mousey) local dx = mouseposition.x - mousex local dy = mouseposition.y - mousey self.camrotation.x = self.camrotation.x + dy / 10 self.camrotation.y = self.camrotation.y + dx / 10 self.camera:SetRotation(0, self.camrotation.y, 0, true) end function Script:UpdatePhysics() local window = Window:GetCurrent() --xmove = left/right speed --zmove = forward/backwards speed local xmove = 0 local zmove = 0 --key bindings for movement if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then zmove = 1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.S) then zmove = -1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.A) then xmove = -1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then xmove = 1 end self.entity:SetInput(self.camera:GetRotation(true).y, zmove, xmove) end I am hoping when the script becomes more complete I can put it up on the Workshop so users can customize it and make it their own. There is to many assets involved with the FPS script and when you start changing things problems happen and it all gets a bit messy. So part of this script can serve as a more simplified version of the FPS script for users if they want it. I will try and put lean functionality in there and also crouching etc. Big thanks to nice.ace and macklebee for their help!
  21. @Macklebee. Wow thank you so much man! I will get on this right away! xD
  22. I have hit a problem with my script. Again I would like to say a big thank you to nick.ace. I have just started to program in the functionality of the mouse to move left and right but the issue is that there is a long drift when I move the mouse. For example, when I move right I will stop my mouse but the camera keeps drifting off to the right and the only way I can stop it drifting off to the right is to move my mouse slowly to the left to compensate, eventually I can steady the view again. Here is the code: function Script:Start() local window = Window:GetCurrent() window:SetMousePosition(window:GetWidth()/2, window:GetHeight()/2) --self.camera = players camera --self.entity = temporary box to use for player movement --creates a camera in the scene and parents to the entity self.camera = Camera:Create(self.entity) --sets the position of the camera to the position of the entity self.camera:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true)) end function Script:UpdateWorld() local window = Window:GetCurrent() --mousex = left/right movement --mousey = up/down movement local mousex = 0 local mousey = 0 --gets the position of the mouse each frame mousex = window:GetMousePosition().x mousey = window:GetMousePosition().y mousex = (-5*(window:GetWidth()/2 - mousex))/window:GetWidth() --repositions mouse cursor to center of screen after each frame window:SetMousePosition(window:GetWidth()/2, window:GetHeight()/2) self.camera:SetRotation(Vec3(0, self.camera:GetRotation(true).y + mousex, 0), true) end function Script:UpdatePhysics() --xmove = left/right speed --zmove = forward/backwards speed local xmove = 0 local zmove = 0 local window = Window:GetCurrent() --key bindings for movement if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then zmove = 1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.S) then zmove = -1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.A) then xmove = -1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then xmove = 1 end self.entity:SetInput(self.camera:GetRotation(true).y, zmove, xmove) end function Script:PostRender(context) local window = Window:GetCurrent() end If you spot the problem I will get a maria chi band to come to your door and deliver you beers and sing you a song.
  23. SlipperyBrick


    Wow this is great. So much work is going on here! I am excited to see what stuff Ben is looking into and working on Looking forward to the new Documentation stuff too, this is something that was screaming to get done. Keep up that awesome work!
  24. I have found the issue, I think it is a bug with Leadwerks where I can't importing images which are 16 bit depth. Posted in the bug reports
  25. Leadwerks is having issues importing 16 bit depth images. After working in Substance Designer and exporting my textures out as bitmaps my specular output exports from Designer as 16 bit depth. When I bring this into Leadwerks I get the error: "ACCESS_EXCEPTION_VIOLATION" I then brought my specular map into Photoshop and exported out which automatically exported out as 8 bit depth when importing the newly exported image into Leadwerks it comes in perfectly fine.
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