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Everything posted by paramecij

  1. The dragon looks great, fear inducing, I esp. like it's face & mouth and would love to see it animated with some reference for scale maybe, how big will it be ? @Rick You use EXE packers, ..they compress and append everything at the end of your .exe file and modify the PE headers so windows wont wonderful person and crash your app while at the same time they can protect your code from disassembly and people ripping out your resources etc.. I used to have a good free one but can't remember the name, the one NA suggested is a more advanced one (and more pricey). Also, most anti virus programs are afraid of such exe files and throw out false positives.. (also depends on the packer)
  2. what's wrong with CreateObject()? I'm an experienced programmer and appreciate it's procedural C like design. I was a big OO guy long ago, excited about C#.., but in game development I sooner or later always had to break OO rules or general good coding principles, or wished to use some other library which wasn't OO.(C is like the least common denominator for other platforms & libraries + I can write the fastest code there). I can code in pretty much any language & style, but I found procedural C mixed with OO code where it's benefiting, to be optimal for me. With LE it's easy to make quick hacked-in prototypes or isolated functionality tests (esp. with Bmax) which I can later re-factor into my main code base. I hope this will be true for 3.0 also! ..but back on the topic of documentation, we decided (or rather Josh did) to feature freeze the engine until it's bug free, ..what if we "design" freeze the documentation until it's complete and 1:1 with the current engine version. Then paste it into a database and feed it through the new design? And let Aggror work in peace & quiet -edit: Wow i missed the whole 6th page @Roland I thought we were talking about CreateObject() as in CreateCube(), LoadModel() etc. ..Maybe i'm missing the whole point, it's 4AM here
  3. ..here's a random one I made, if you decide that vectors are too clean TTexture crosshair = LoadTexture("abstract::crosshair01.dds"); .. //after render SetBlend( BLEND_ALPHA ); DrawImage( crosshair, GraphicsWidth()/2 - 32, GraphicsHeight()/2 - 32 ); SetBlend( BLEND_NONE ); //before flip();
  4. what about the commented out vehicle commands ? //typedef TVehicle (_stdcall *TCreateVehicle) (TBody chassis, int tires); //typedef int (_stdcall *TAddVehicleTire) (TVehicle vehicle, TVec3 &position, flt radius, flt width, flt mass, flt friction, flt suspensionLength, flt springConstant, flt springDamper); //typedef void (_stdcall *TSetVehicleTorque) (TVehicle vehicle, flt torque, int tire); //typedef void (_stdcall *TSetVehicleSteerAngle) (TVehicle vehicle, flt angle, int tire); //typedef void (_stdcall *TSetVehicleBrake) (TVehicle vehicle, flt brake, int tire); //typedef void (_stdcall *TGetTireMatrix) (TVehicle vehicle, int tire, TVec16 *matrix); //typedef int (_stdcall *TVehicleIsAirborne) (TVehicle vehicle, int tire); //typedef flt (_stdcall *TVehicleSpeed) (TVehicle vehicle, int tire); ..I'm unable to implement PROPER braking to my vehicles without these or the script commands ? //typedef TScript (_stdcall *TLoadScript) (str filename); //typedef void (_stdcall *TRunScript) (TScript script, BP funcname, BP object); .. this would be also great to have, now I must load dummy models to invoke scripts Any idea if these are to be implemented and when?
  5. My issues with the current documentation are: (in order of importance) 1. lack of descriptions and/or examples in some places 2. not up-to-date 3. more guidelines for creation & optimization (octree, LOD, vegetation, shaders... ) 4. it should be included in the SDK for offline access !!!! 5. even more guidelines, facts, numbers and info ( so one doesn't have to search the forums to find that the current and future versions of engine use newton 2.20 for example ) . . . 99. the design So I'm happy that the documentation is getting some attention (hopefully some of my issues will be addressed) plus it looks better which is always good
  6. Hmm sound works for me - in bunny.ogg and my own transcoded file, don't know if this will help but I attached a screenshot from the settings I used in SUPER
  7. I make an invisible trigger box around my bushes (and similar objects) then when the player enters it I slow him down, animate the bush and play a sound.. but yes, soft bodies would be cool, or springs..
  8. I would just add one (correctly oriented) bone at the end of the barrel then call EntityPick with the barrel bone and the range of the weapon.. that would be my first try
  9. i wouldn't mind seeing you'r workflow with 3dcoat, as i'm currently trying out different solutions for my 3d content creation .. somewhat ideal way to texture for me would be something like in zbrush where you paint with different brushes with textures and alphas on the model and then i could save that as a unwraped diffuse texture and do some final touch-ups in photoshop
  10. I basically use the same settings, .. you'll have to create a power of 2 texture (you already used niosop's code for that in your example) and the code to prevent 'spikes' .. I don't see a way for that
  11. I use erightsoft SUPER and it works great for me (with audio) .. Best of luck with your deadline
  12. I've made you a very minimal & basic example of playing ogg video with sound.. just 2 things to keep in mind: - it's meant for 2d fullframe video playback (if you want on 3d surfaces, just create a material and paint the mesh) - video must be pow2 friendly (i see you already have some code to remedy this)
  13. Thanks for this! I'm just starting to learn 3d modelling (i'm a one man band, so have no choice) .. I'm using blender and sketch-up at home (cause it's free) and 3dmax/zbrush at work (cause it's installed on our work machines), .. the biggest obstacle so far being the horrible obscure non-intuitive user interfaces (also blender, but mainly 3dsmax - the king of bad UI design) Anyway your video has motivated me to try and learn blender a little more, just wish you'd do texturing as well! P.S.: may i suggest for your next tut that you put the captions bellow the video and use the same size and position for all of them, i think it would be easier to follow along,
  14. check the .dds file to see if you have correct alpha channels for all mipmap levels (using a tool like Woodys texture viewer) .. the only difference I see is - I have cullface=0 in my mat file and i'm using 2.31
  15. That's the way I see it also.. glad to see all those bugs getting squashed...
  16. Couple of things that came to mind: - try a release build instead of debug (you linked to non debug libs..) - in main.cpp first call media::initialize() and then media::playvideo("bunny.ogg") - comment out the first two lines in playvideo() method, if you're calling playvideo("bunny.ogg"), and execute from the same dir as the dll and video file (just to be sure it's not a path problem)
  17. have you tried adjusting the camera near clip plane setting ?
  18. I've been thinking about ways to overcome this as I face the same problem myself.. it seems you can implement this entirely in the vertex or pixel shader by calculating the new z value, no special buffers or setups, this would be ideal and easy to implement in LE (at first glance) Thanks for the share
  19. Friction is only applied when two bodies are colliding (box sliding on the ground). Where static friction is the "glue factor" when the object is standing still and kinetic specifies how much the body resists movement when moving (sliding). So friction only applies when a body is sliding or resting on another body. Damping is like friction but it always affects the body motion (in the air, on the ground..), so you can use it to simulate lift, air friction etc.. If you have a cube sliding down a slope then the results may seem the same, but if you first drop the cube on the slope from mid air, you will get much more different results. Also, you can dampen translational and rotational forces separably
  20. In visual studio you can go to project properties / c++ / code generation / runtime library - and set it to multithreaded (not the dll one) and it should statically link all linked libraries(if i remember correctly), but I don't suggest it.. To actually link a library you go under project properties / linker / input / additional dependencies ... But I do it the lazy-man's way: // you can link a lib in code like so , (may only work with visual studio) #pragma comment(lib,"libtheoraplayer.lib") ... // needed headers #include "TheoraVideoManager.h" #include "TheoraVideoFrame.h" ... I hope this is what you meant? .. don't know about LETheora.cpp and lua stuff, I worked my way from the hello world example that came with libtheoraplayer...
  21. Looking great! The monster AI setup reminds me of gothic(1/2) in many ways, ..they also made it so animals react to other animal types / NPCs, sort of like a food chain, .. while it was very basic it added a lot more depth as you could use it to your advantage or just resulted in some funny moments. Just something to consider for your implementation ..if you haven't already
  22. Position AND scale the images if you want that the HUD elements to always occupy the same % of screen space. Like AndyGFX said
  23. just use ballPivot=CreatePivot() and then add a PositionEntity(ballPivot, EntityPosition(ballBody,1),1) inside your main loop .. i think it might translate to something like ballPivot:SetPosition(ballBody:getPosition()) in your case, also make sure to use world space this way the pivot will follow the ball but have independent rotation
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