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Everything posted by onaid
sorry late response was away fishing . yes it is a leadwerks game . i cant change the script because when i open leadwerks engine and open my project half of it is missing.. i am just double clicking the game.exe from a published game. i had previously downloaded the zip file from a old post where josh helped me find my game as leadwerks game launcher no longer works and i thought i lost all of my work. so when i double click game.exe it launches and the whole game is working (nothing missing) but it only runs in a little window. i am sure that years ago there was a key shortcut to make fullscreen ....like alt enter, or shift f ? and im sure i had this problem before but cant find the solution in forum .... maybe too old.
i do remember i some how ran the .exe and could get it to run in full screen
hi josh , long time . im not launching it from the engine . for some reason when i load it in the engine half of my project is missing. i downloaded the zip file from a old post when we where discussing the game launcher not working anymore if that make sense
im sure i have asked tis question before , but how do i run my game in full screen ? i seem to remember a shortcut key ? alt enter or somthing like that. cheers
part 2 link ? i cant find it first page of this convo ?
I’m heading out bush for couple weeks I’ll check when I get back home. Thanks
its called soundscape
soundgame ? thats not my game its only 45mb or am i looking in the wrong place ?
yeah thats way above my pay grade HELP !!!
Josh i just downladed it ... and thats not my game its nightmare ? and its only 200 somthing MB
Josh do you reckon you could send me a gdrive download link for my game ... still no luck with the amazon server thing
trying to download and its painfully slow for some reason and get about 60mb in and i get network error , its just this link ... im in aus my internet is about 40mbps so it shouldnt be this slow ? is there another link josh
ok panic stations , is there any way i can download my published game from game launcher or leadwerks site i have lost the complete back up of my game files ... so all that work is lost
so 100 game launcher is not working i would have to publish the game then make a standalone ?
how do we play the games then ?
im confused
hi all is anyone else having issue with game launcher , i was visiting a mate and i wanted to show him my game i had made via game launcher . none of the games including mine will download just get the following error . have tried install and uninstall subscribe and unsubscribe steam cloud on . still no luck tried on 2 different PC also
changed self:CallOutputs to self.component it works ? cheers
need some help with this colission trigger error , im sure i have had this problem before its been a long time since i have used leadwerks
yep it works with my vive but no controllers , is there a first person controller lua for the vive controllers ?
hi all, is the c++ version of leadwerks the only way to do VR ? or can i just change the mail lua .script to work with htc vive ? like this ? Enabling VR in your game could not be easier. Just use the Window::VRDisplay creation flag when you create your game's window, and you're done. Really, that's all it takes: Window* window = Window::Create("My VR Game",0,0,1024,768,Window::Titlebar|Window::VRDisplay); Or in Lua: local window = Window:Create("My VR Game",0,0,1024,768,Window.Titlebar + Window.VRDisplay) cheers
loading screen text showing and end of game not at the start
onaid replied to onaid's topic in Programming
cheers mate it works! is there a context to adjust size of text ? would it be scale ? -
hi guys , trying to get a simple loading text at the start of my game , but it is drawing text at the end when i hit escape it then draws the text? i am using the context:::draw text after the world create line in main lua here is my main lua.................................. --Initialize Steamworks (optional) Steamworks:Initialize() --Initialize analytics (optional). Create an account at www.gameamalytics.com to get your game keys --[[if DEBUG==false then Analytics:SetKeys("GAME_KEY_xxxxxxxxx", "SECRET_KEY_xxxxxxxxx") Analytics:Enable() end]] --Set the application title title="soundscape" --Create a window local windowstyle = window.Titlebar if System:GetProperty("fullscreen")=="1" then windowstyle=windowstyle+window.FullScreen end window=Window:Create(title,0,0,System:GetProperty("screenwidth","1024"),System:GetProperty("screenheight","768"),windowstyle) window:HideMouse() --Create the graphics context context=Context:Create(window,0) if context==nil then return end --Create a world world=World:Create() world:SetLightQuality((System:GetProperty("lightquality","1"))) function App:Start() self.window = Window:Create() self.context = Context:Create(self.window) local font = Font:Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf",36) self.context:SetFont(font) font:Release() return true end function App:Loop() if (self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)) then return false end self.context:SetColor(0,0,0) self.context:Clear() --Draw some centered text on the screen local text = "Loading" local font = self.context:GetFont() local x = self.window:GetWidth()/2 local y = self.window:GetHeight()/2 x = x - font:GetTextWidth(text)/2 y = y - font:GetHeight()/2 self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.context:SetColor(1,1,1) self.context:DrawText(text,x,y) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) self.context:Sync() return true end --Load a map local mapfile = System:GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map") if Map:Load(mapfile)==false then return end prevmapname = FileSystem:StripAll(changemapname) --Send analytics event Analytics:SendProgressEvent("Start",prevmapname) while window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)==false do --If window has been closed, end the program if window:Closed() then break end --Handle map change if changemapname~=nil then --Pause the clock Time:Pause() --Pause garbage collection System:GCSuspend() --Clear all entities world:Clear() --Send analytics event Analytics:SendProgressEvent("Complete",prevmapname) --Load the next map if Map:Load("Maps/"..changemapname..".map")==false then return end prevmapname = changemapname --Send analytics event Analytics:SendProgressEvent("Start",prevmapname) --Resume garbage collection System:GCResume() --Resume the clock Time:Resume() changemapname = nil end --Update the app timing Time:Update() --Update the world world:Update() --Render the world world:Render() --Render statistics context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) if DEBUG then context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) context:DrawText("Debug Mode",2,2) context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) context:DrawStats(2,22) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) else --Toggle statistics on and off if (window:KeyHit(Key.F11)) then showstats = not showstats end if showstats then context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) context:DrawText("FPS: "..Math:Round(Time:UPS()),2,2) end end --Refresh the screen context:Sync(true) end how do i get it to draw text at the start and disappear when game is loaded ? cheers ..